
Defines functions check_mlr_attached retrieve_bnc_properties predictLearner.bnc trainLearner.bnc makeRLearner.bnc as_mlr

Documented in as_mlr check_mlr_attached makeRLearner.bnc predictLearner.bnc trainLearner.bnc

#' Convert to \code{mlr}.
#' Convert a \code{\link{bnc_bn}} to a \code{\link[mlr]{Learner}}
#' object. 
#' @inheritParams cv
#' @param x A \code{\link{bnc_bn}} object.
#' @param id A character.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(car)
#' nb <- bnc('nb', 'class', car, smooth = 1)
#' \dontrun{library(mlr)}
#' \dontrun{nb_mlr <- as_mlr(nb, dag = FALSE, id = "ode_cl_aic")}
#' \dontrun{nb_mlr}
as_mlr <- function(x, dag, id = "1") {
  args <- bnc_get_update_args(x, dag)
  # Call make learner with the arguments
  mlr::makeLearner("bnc", id = id, par.vals = list(args=args))
#' makeRLearner. Auxiliary mlr function. 
#' @export makeRLearner.bnc 
#' @keywords internal
makeRLearner.bnc <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("mlr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package mlr required for this functionality.")
    cl = "bnc",
    package = "bnclassify",
    par.set = ParamHelpers::makeParamSet(
      ParamHelpers::makeUntypedLearnerParam(id = "args", default = NULL)
    properties = retrieve_bnc_properties()
#' trainLearner. Auxiliary mlr function. 
#' @export trainLearner.bnc 
#' @keywords internal
#' @param .learner,.task,.subset,.weights Internal.
#' @param ... Internal.
trainLearner.bnc = function(.learner, .task, .subset, .weights, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("mlr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package mlr required for this functionality.")
  # Check args contain struct, struct_call and params_call
  args <-  .learner$par.vals$args
  dataset <- mlr::getTaskData(.task, .subset)
  bnc_update(args, dataset)
#' predictLearner. Auxiliary mlr function. 
#' @export predictLearner.bnc 
#' @keywords internal
#' @param .learner,.model,.newdata Internal.
#' @param ... Internal.
predictLearner.bnc = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("mlr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package mlr required for this functionality.")
  prob = TRUE
  if(.learner$predict.type == "response") prob = FALSE
  predict(.model$learner.model, newdata = .newdata, prob = prob)

retrieve_bnc_properties <- function() {
  c("oneclass", "twoclass", "multiclass", "factors", "prob", "numerics", 
#' Checks if mlr attached.
#' mlr must be attached because otherwise  `getMlrOptions()` in `makeLearner` will not be found.
#' @keywords internal
check_mlr_attached <- function() {
  mlr_loaded <- 'package:mlr' %in% search()
  if (!mlr_loaded) {
    stop("mlr package must be loaded (run, e.g., library(mlr)) in order to use this functionality. Install the package first if needed.")
bmihaljevic/bnclassify documentation built on March 18, 2024, 8:34 a.m.