
  titlePanel("Setup Low Rank Approximation Model")
, navlistPanel(selected = "Data UpL"
             , id = 'navigationList' ## keeps track of our state for navigation panel on left
             , tabPanel(title = "Data Load"
                      , value = "dataLoad"
                      , selectInput(inputId = "input_type", label = "Data Input type",
                                    choices = c("CSV File", "Redcap API", "Postgres"))
                      , conditionalPanel(condition = "input.input_type == 'CSV File'"
                                       , textInput(inputId = "missingIndicators"
                                                 , label = "Optional missing values indicator(s), comma separated"
                                                 , value = "NA")

                                       , fileInput(inputId = 'dataFile'
                                                 , label = '(CSV data file)'
                                                 , multiple = FALSE
                                                 , accept = NULL))

                      , conditionalPanel(condition = "input.input_type == 'Redcap API'"
                                       , textInput(inputId = "redcapURL"
                                                 , label = "Redcap URL"
                                                 , value = "")

                                       , passwordInput(inputId = "redcapToken"
                                                     , label = "Redcap API Token"))

                      , conditionalPanel(condition = "input.input_type == 'Postgres'"
                                       , textInput(inputId = "dbName"
                                                 , label = "Database name"
                                                 , value = "")

                                       , textInput(inputId = "dbHost"
                                                 , label = "Database host"
                                                 , value = "")

                                       , textInput(inputId = "dbPort"
                                                 , label = "Database Port"
                                                 , value = "")

                                       , textInput(inputId = "dbUser"
                                                 , label = "Database User"
                                                 , value = "")

                                       , passwordInput(inputId = "dbPassword"
                                                     , label = "Database Password")

                                       , textInput(inputId = "dbTable"
                                                 , label = "Database Table Name"
                                                 , value = ""))

                      , actionButton(inputId = "loadData"
                                   , label = "Load Data")

                      , conditionalPanel(condition = "input.loadData != 0"
                                       , h5("Summary")
                                       , verbatimTextOutput(outputId = 'dataFileContentSummary')
                                       , br()
                                       , h3(textOutput(outputId = 'dataLoaded')))
             , tabPanel(title = "Sanity Check"
                      , value = "sanityCheck"
                      , actionButton(inputId = "checkSanity",
                                     label = "Check Sanity")
                      , br()
                      , conditionalPanel(condition = "input.checkSanity != 0"
                                       , verbatimTextOutput(outputId = 'sanityCheckResult'))
             , tabPanel(title = "Send to OpenCPU Server"
                      , value = "sendToServer"
                      , textInput(inputId = "siteName"
                                , label = "Site Name"
                                , value = "Site[0-9]+")
                      , textInput(inputId = "ocpuURL"
                                , label = "OpenCPU URL"
                                , value = "http://localhost:")
                      , actionButton(inputId = "populateServer"
                                   , label = "Populate OpenCPU Server")
                      , conditionalPanel(condition = "input.populateServer != 0"
                                       , verbatimTextOutput(outputId = 'populateResult')
                                       , br()
                                       , actionButton(inputId = "exitApp", label = "Exit"))
             , "-----"
             , tabPanel("Help-FAQ"
                      , h5("here in help")
bnaras/distcomp documentation built on July 5, 2024, 4:28 p.m.