
Defines functions getCLArray

Documented in getCLArray

#' Center line arrary of an array of image
#' This function returns CLI array for vector of JPEG files
#' @param files a vector of character strings, paths to the JPEF files
#' @return A 3D array. The center line image as an array (NxHx3), where N is number of files, and H is the height of an image in pixels.
#' @keywords  Center-line image CLI
#' @export
#' @import jpeg
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom utils data download.file read.csv read.table setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar unzip write.table zip
#' @examples
#' f <- system.file(package = 'xROI', 'dukehw.jpg')
#' cli <- getCL(f)
getCLArray <- function(files){
  continue = TRUE

  first <- which(!is.na(files))[1]
  res <-  dim(readJPEG(files[first], native=F))[1:2] # get the resolution
  n <- length(files)

  clArray <- array(data = NA, dim = c(res[1], n ,3))

  pb <- txtProgressBar(1, n, style = 3)

  #if shiny
    withProgress(value = 0, message = 'Extracting CLI',
               for(i in 1:n){

                   cl <- matrix(0, res[1], 3)
                   cl <- getCL(files[i])

                 if(is.na(cl)) cl <- matrix(0, res[1], 3)
                 r <- cl[,1]
                 g <- cl[,2]
                 b <- cl[,3]

                   message(paste('wrong dimensions at', i, files[i], 'resampling ...'))
                   x1 <- (0:(nrow(cl)-1))/nrow(cl)
                   x2 <- (0:(res[1]-1))/res[1]
                   r <- approx(x1, r, x2)$y
                   g <- approx(x1, g, x2)$y
                   b <- approx(x1, b, x2)$y
                   r[is.na(r)] <- 0
                   g[is.na(g)] <- 0
                   b[is.na(b)] <- 0

                 clArray[,i,1] <- r
                 clArray[,i,2] <- g
                 clArray[,i,3] <- b

                 setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

                 # Sys.sleep(1)
                 # if(i%%20==0)httpuv:::service()
                 for(i in 1:n){

                     cl <- matrix(0, res[1], 3)
                     cl <- getCL(files[i])

                   if(is.na(cl)) cl <- matrix(0, res[1], 3)
                   r <- cl[,1]
                   g <- cl[,2]
                   b <- cl[,3]

                     message(paste('wrong dimensions at', i, files[i], 'resampling ...'))
                     x1 <- (0:(nrow(cl)-1))/nrow(cl)
                     x2 <- (0:(res[1]-1))/res[1]
                     r <- approx(x1, r, x2)$y
                     g <- approx(x1, g, x2)$y
                     b <- approx(x1, b, x2)$y
                     r[is.na(r)] <- 0
                     g[is.na(g)] <- 0
                     b[is.na(b)] <- 0

                   clArray[,i,1] <- r
                   clArray[,i,2] <- g
                   clArray[,i,3] <- b

                   setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

                   # incProgress(1/n)
                   # Sys.sleep(1)
                   # if(i%%20==0)httpuv:::service()

  #if not shiny

bnasr/xROI documentation built on June 7, 2021, 7:56 a.m.