
Defines functions paleocar

Documented in paleocar

#' Fit PaleoCAR models to a RasterBrick of predictands, and generate prediction and uncertainty RasterBricks.
#' This is a wrapper function to the four primary methods in the PaleoCAR package, specifically for
#' processing predictands held in a RasterBrick.
#' @param chronologies An ITRDB object, as in from FedData::get_itrdb.
#' @param predictands A RasterBrick or RasterStack of the numeric predictand (response) variable.
#' @param calibration.years An integer vector of years corresponding to the layers in the \code{predictands} brick.
#' @param prediction.years An optional integer vector of years for the reconstruction.
#' If missing, defaults to the total years present in \code{chronologies}.
#' @param label A character label for the reconstruction, for saving.
#' @param out.dir The directory to which output is to be saved.
#' @param verbose Logical, display status messages during run.
#' @param force.redo Logical, should all computations be re-computed?
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to other functions.
#' @return A named list containing
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{models}  The PaleoCAR models, as computed by \code{\link{paleocar_models}}.}
#'   \item{\code{predictions}  The PaleoCAR reconstruction, as computed by \code{\link{predict_paleocar_models}}.}
#' }
#' @export
paleocar <- function(chronologies,
                     prediction.years = NULL,
                     out.dir = "./OUTPUT/",
                     force.redo = F,
                     verbose = F,
  t <- Sys.time()
  out.file <- file.path(out.dir, paste0(label, ".models.Rds"))
  if(verbose) cat("\nCalculating all models\n")
  if(!force.redo & file.exists(out.file)){
    models <- readr::read_rds(out.file)
           recursive = TRUE, 
           force = TRUE)
    models <- paleocar_models(chronologies = chronologies,
                              predictands = predictands,
                              calibration.years = calibration.years,
                              prediction.years = prediction.years,
                              verbose = verbose,
                     file = out.file,
                     compress = "gz")
  if(verbose) cat("\nGenerating prediction\n")
  out.file <- file.path(out.dir, paste0(label, ".prediction.Rds"))
  if(!force.redo & file.exists(out.file)){
    recon <- readr::read_rds(out.file)
           recursive = TRUE, 
           force = TRUE)
    recon <- predict_paleocar_models(models = models)
                     file = out.file,
                     compress = "gz")
  if(verbose) message("\nThe entire reconstruction took ", round(difftime(Sys.time(),t,units='mins'), digits = 2)," minutes")
    list(models = models,
         predictions = recon)
bocinsky/paleocar documentation built on June 2, 2024, 4:12 a.m.