Version - 0.9.0 - 07-13-18 -Implemented new highest density region methods, replacing former credible interval functions

Version - 0.6.0 - 03-19-18 -Extensive modularization of doRun_prc code -Full parellization of PRC algorithm for doRun_prc

Version - 0.5.0 - 01-14-18 -Seemed reasonable to bump version to 0.5 given great change in infrastructure

Version - 0.4.6 - 01-13-18 -Stable build with geiger::fitContinuous replaced for phylolm::phylolm -Stable tests, stable examples including dont-run examples -Much faster for many package functionalities

Version - 0.4.5 - 01-11-18 -Reduced code redundancy in doRun_prc -Many bug fixes -Added many tests -Prepared code to transition from using geiger::fitContinuous to phylolm::phylolm

VERSION - 0.4.2 - 10-03-17 - Internalized many functions with unclear need-to-use for typical users, and that were not necessary as input creators for other exported functions - Internalized functions getSimulationSplits and getTaxonDFWithPossibleExtinction, and modified doSimulation functions to simply accept phylogenies as input rather than these secondary products - Merged functions with shared design (particularly shared parameter sets) into the same help files to reduce redundancy - Improved documentation and made working examples for all (although many are dont-test examples)

VERSION - 0.4.1 - 07-04-17 - Unified documentation for all intrinsic models at a single source. - TreEvo is now Windows-capable, by removing calls to quartz() and also allowing package doParallel to be used in replacement of package doMC, while potentially retaining multithreading functionality - doMC moved to Suggests, and doParallel added to Suggests - NAMESPACE file converted over to now be automatically handled by roxygen2 - Added NEWS file for tracking changes to TreEvo -Removed an apparent duplicate data file (simData), leaving simRun; modified references to simData accordingly

bomeara/treevo documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 6:52 p.m.