
Defines functions stats.BOLD

Documented in stats.BOLD

#' Downloads DNA sequences from the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD)
#' These functions allow DNA sequences to be downloaded from the Barcode of
#' Life Database (BOLD).
#' \code{search.BOLD} retrieves BOLD process identification numbers for any
#' given taxon using the API for BOLD version 3.0. By default, it only returns
#' the first 500 process IDs for the given taxon. By selecting the option
#' \code{exhaustive = TRUE}, the function can be made to search for more than
#' 500 process IDs, but is much slower.
#' \code{stats.BOLD} retrieves the total number of records for the given taxon.
#' \code{read.BOLD} downloads the sequences associated with the process
#' identification numbers using a brute force method of downloading the
#' specimen record, then searching and splitting the HTML code to remove the
#' relevant information. This process is likely to make the function fairly
#' unstable if BOLD make any changes to their website.
#' Previous versions of \code{read.BOLD} used the eFetch web service offered by
#' BOLD to enable batch retrieval of records, however from October 2012 BOLD
#' deprecated eFetch without providing a replacement service.
#' @param taxon A character vector of the names of the taxa of interest.
#' @return \code{search.BOLD} returns a character vector giving the process
#' identification numbers of the specimens found by the search.
#' \code{read.BOLD} returns an object of class `DNAbin'. This object has the
#' attributes "species", "accession_num", and "gene".
#' @section Warning: On 26 Oct 2011, attempts to access records using the
#' eFetch system through a web browser resulted in an error, saying that eFetch
#' and eSearch are offline for maintainance.
#' As of 7 March 2012, both functions have been modified to interface with the
#' new BOLD architecture, and work as expected.
#' 29 Oct 2012: It appears that BOLD has taken eFetch offline permanently,
#' rendering \code{read.BOLD} as it currently stands useless. While we may be
#' able to work out something, this will require a complete rewrite of the
#' function. \code{search.BOLD} continues to work as intended.
#' 17 Dec 2012: A new version of \code{read.BOLD} has been released that
#' appears to work (for the time being).
#' 15 Feb 2018: 'stats.BOLD' is deprecated. Please use the rOpenSci 'bold' package for better functionality.
#' @author Samuel Brown <s_d_j_brown@@hotmail.com>
#' @seealso \code{\link{stats.BOLD}}, \code{\link{search.BOLD}}, \code{\link{read.GB}}. %% ~~objects to See Also as
#' \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references BOLD web services: \url{http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/resources/api?type=webservices}.
#' BOLD version 3.0 \url{http://v3.boldsystems.org/}.
#' @keywords Barcoding Datasets
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' stats.BOLD("Pisauridae")
#' search.BOLD(c("Danio kyathit", "Dolomedes", "Sitona discoideus"))
#' nn <- search.BOLD("Pisauridae")
#' pisaurid <- read.BOLD(nn)
#' ape::write.dna(pisaurid, "filename.fas", format="fasta")}
#' @importFrom ape write.dna
#' @export stats.BOLD
stats.BOLD <- 
    .Deprecated(msg="'stats.BOLD' is deprecated. Please use the 'bold' package.")
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