Man pages for boxiangliu/locuscomparer
locuscomparer: Visualization of GWAS-QTL Colocalization Events

add_labelAdd a column of SNP labels to input data.frame
assign_colorAssign color to each SNP according to LD.
get_lead_snpGet the lead SNP from the list of SNPs in input data.frame...
get_positionAppend two columns, chromosome (chr) and position (pos), to...
helloHello, World!
locuscompareMake a locuscompare plot.
make_combined_plotGenerated a combined plot with two locuszoom plots and a...
make_locuszoomMake a locuszoom plot. Details see
make_scatterplotMake a scatter plot (called the LocusCompare plot). Each axis...
read_metalRead association summary statistics from file and append...
retrieve_LDRetrive SNP pairwise LD from database. SNP pairwise lD are...
boxiangliu/locuscomparer documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 7:26 a.m.