
Defines functions chainsaw

Documented in chainsaw

#' Function to cut the phylogeny to a specified depth from the tip with the
#' greatest distance from the root.
#' @param partition two-dimensional \code{matrix} of mode \code{numeric}
#' with rows as types (species), columns as subcommunities, and each
#' element containing the relative abundance of types in each subcommunity
#' relative to the metacommunity as a whole. In the phylogenetic case, this
#' corresponds to the proportional abundance of historical species, which is
#' calculated from the proportional abundance of terminal taxa
#' @param ps \code{phy_struct()} output
#' @param depth proportion of total tree height to be conserved (taken as
#' a proportion from the highest tip). Describes how far back we go in the tree,
#' with 0 marking the date of the most recent tip, and 1 marking the most
#' recent common ancestor. Numbers greater than 1 extend the root of the tree
#' @return
#' \code{chainsaw()} returns an object of class \code{metacommunity}
#' @export
chainsaw <- function(partition, ps, depth) {
  if (!missing(depth)) if (length(depth) > 1)
    stop("Only one value may be input as 'depth'")

  partition <- check_phypartition(tip_labels = colnames(ps$structure),
                                  partition = partition)

  if (isTRUE(all.equal(1, depth))) {
    # If depth = 1, return original phylogeny
    structure_matrix <- ps$structure
    T_bar <- ps$tbar
    parameters <- ps$parameters

  }else if (isTRUE(all.equal(0, depth))) {
    # If depth = 0, remove phylogeny
    old_struct <- ps$structure * ps$tbar
    lineage_heights <- colSums(old_struct)
    tree_height <- max(lineage_heights)
    present_day_species <- sapply(lineage_heights, function(x)
      isTRUE(all.equal(tree_height, x)))
    partition <- partition[present_day_species, ]
    cut_meta <- metacommunity(partition)

  }else if (depth > 1) {
    # if depth is greater than 1
    old_struct <- ps$structure * ps$tbar
    tree_height <- max(colSums(old_struct))
    cut_depth <- tree_height - (tree_height * depth)

    rooted_tree <- ps$tree
    rooted_tree$root.edge <- abs(cut_depth)
    ps <- phy_struct(rooted_tree, partition)     # Could make this faster

    structure_matrix <- ps$structure
    T_bar <- ps$tbar
    parameters <- ps$parameters

  }else if (depth > 0 & depth < 1){
    # if depth is between 0 and 1
    old_struct <- ps$structure * ps$tbar
    tree_height <- max(colSums(old_struct))
    cut_depth <- tree_height - (tree_height * depth)

    # Extract branch lengths
    index <- lapply(seq_along(colnames(old_struct)),
                    function(x) which(old_struct[, x] > 0))

    index <- lapply(seq_along(index), function(x)
      cbind.data.frame(sp = x,
                       first_branch = index[[x]][1],
                       last_branch = index[[x]][length(index[[x]])]))
    index <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, index)

    # Edit $structure matrix
    structure_matrix <- old_struct
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(index))) {
      lineage <- structure_matrix[index$last_branch[i]:index$first_branch[i],
                                  i, drop = FALSE]
      cut_here <- cut_depth
      j <- 0
      while (cut_here > 0) {
        j <- j + 1
        cut_here <- cut_here - lineage[j, 1]
        if (nrow(lineage) == j) break
      lineage[1:j, 1] <- 0
      if (cut_here < 0)
        lineage[j, 1] <- abs(cut_here)

      structure_matrix[index$last_branch[i]:index$first_branch[i], i] <- lineage

    # Remove species that are no longer present
    missing_species <- which(sapply(colSums(structure_matrix),
                                    function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, 0))))
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(length(missing_species), 0)))
      structure_matrix <- structure_matrix[, -missing_species, drop = FALSE]

    # Remove historic species that are no longer present
    missing_hs <- which(sapply(rowSums(structure_matrix),
                               function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, 0))))
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(length(missing_hs), 0)))
      structure_matrix <- structure_matrix[-missing_hs, , drop = FALSE]

    # Edit $parameters
    parameters <- ps$parameters
    parameters <- parameters[parameters$hs_names %in%
                               row.names(structure_matrix), ]

    # Remove species that are no longer present
    partition <- partition[which(row.names(partition) %in%
                                   colnames(structure_matrix)), , drop = FALSE]

    # If no species are present, there is no metacommunity
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(0, sum(partition)))) return(cut_meta = NA)

    partition <- partition / sum(partition)

    T_bar <- sum(structure_matrix %*% partition)

    # New phy_struct() $structure
    structure_matrix <- structure_matrix / T_bar

  # Repackage metacommunity object
  hs <- phy_abundance(partition, structure_matrix)
  ps <- list(structure = structure_matrix,
             tbar = T_bar,
             parameters = parameters,
             tree = ps$tree)
  s <- smatrix(ps)
  z <- zmatrix(partition, s, ps)
  cut_meta <- metacommunity(hs, z)

  # Fill in 'phylogeny' metacommunity slots
  cut_meta@raw_abundance <- partition
  cut_meta@raw_structure <- structure_matrix
  cut_meta@parameters <- parameters

  # Output
boydorr/rdiversity documentation built on May 6, 2022, 10:56 a.m.