knitr::opts_chunk$set(include = TRUE)


WGPAN (Whole-Genome Pairwise Alignment Noising).


Loading data

Note that the matrix MUST be identical across the diagonal for the distance calculation to work.

ID <- c("Amanita","Polyporus","Coprinus", "Daldinia", "Entoloma", "Flaviporus")
myData<- matrix(sample(100:10000, 36), nrow = 6, ncol = 6,  dimnames = list(ID, ID)) 
diag(myData)<- 0 #set diagonal to 0

import clade list

clades = c("Agaricales", "Polyporales", "Agaricales", "Xylariales", "Agaricales", "Polyporales")
cladeList = data.frame(ID, clades)

Generate within-clade distance table

Calculate the distances between all within-clade comparisons. Make a boxplot of this, then make a summary table with the SD and mean.

x<- myData
idist = na.omit(reshape::melt(x))
colnames(idist) <- c("a", "b", "dist")
allSelfDists = data.frame()
clade_loop <- unique(cladeList$clades)
ID_names <- cladeList$ID
cladeAssignments <-cladeList$clades
WithinDistanceTable <- withinGroupDistances(distanceMatrix = x, cladeAssignments = cladeAssignments, ID_names = ID_names)
boxplot(distance ~ clade, data = WithinDistanceTable, las=3 , main = "within-clade distances 1-11-17", ylab = "SNPs/MB" )
withinSDtable<- WithinDistanceTable %>% group_by(clade)%>%summarize(sd = sd(distance), mean = mean(distance))

#replace NA with 0
withinSDtable[]<- 0

Noise tree

Next, we want to noise the tree based on this distance file.

#Write 100 bootstrap trees, where within-clade distances (only!) are noised by the normal distribution with SD= that clade's within SD.
bstrees<- generateBootstrapTrees(distanceMatrix = x, numberOfTrees = 100, withinSDtable= withinSDtable, cladeAssignments = cladeAssignments, ID_names = ID_names)

Now that we have 1000 bootstrap trees, add them as bootstraps to original tree using prop.clades. Note also that interclade distances are not noised. As such we are only looking at nodes defining clades, not nodes defining relationships between clades.

On the performance of prop.clades:

Since ape 3.5, prop.clades should return sensible results for all values of rooted: if FALSE, the numbers of bipartitions (or splits); if TRUE, the number of clades (of hopefully rooted trees).

master <- myData
main_tree <- nj(as.dist(master))
clade_support <- prop.clades(main_tree, bstrees)  #generate BS values based on trees
#clade_support = clade_support/10   Divide by 10 for 1,000 bootstrap trees
clade_support[]<- 0
main_tree$node.labels<- clade_support 
plot(main_tree, type="radial")

bradfordcondon/WGPAN documentation built on Oct. 26, 2019, 12:25 p.m.