seq_summary: Sequence and taxon count summaries

View source: R/seq_summary.R View source: R/calc_utility_functions.R

seq_summaryR Documentation

Sequence and taxon count summaries


Returns the number of sequences and taxonomic features in the data. Useful for filtering.


seq_summary(data, reads = c(), tax_id = c())



data.table object in long-format where each row represents a sequence feature in a given sequenced sample. Alternatively, a data.table containing only two columns corresponding to sequence reads and taxonomic ID may be supplied (see details).


Column name specifying sequence read data. Should be sequence read counts and not relativized abundances.


Column name specifying a unique identifier for each sequence feature.


QIIME 2 uses the term features to refer to microbial taxonomic units in a way that is agnostic to the user's decision to use ASVs or OTUs. OTUs must first be clustered in QIIME 2, commonly at 97% sequence similarity. ASVs represent unique sequences and so these tables will be larger than OTU tables for the same data set. QIIME 2 favors ASVs by default. For a discussion on the benefits of using ASVs over OTUs see: (referenced below).

If supplying a data.table containing only two columns, seq_summary will attempt to identify which column specifies the taxonomic IDs and which specifies the sequence read count. In this case, it is not necessary to specify these columns in the other arguments.


Produces formatted count of total sequence reads and unique taxonomic features across the data.

See Also




# initial sequence and ASV count?
seq_summary(example_qsip, 'seq_abund', 'asv_id')
seq_summary(example_qsip[, c('seq_abund', 'asv_id')]
seq_summary(example_qsip[, c(1, 12)]) # should be the same as above

# Identify lineages to remove
tx <- unique(example_qsip[, c('asv_id', 'Kingdom', 'Phylum', 'Class', 'Order', 'Family', 'Genus')])
unassign <- tx[Kingdom == 'Unassigned', asv_id]
euk <- tx[Kingdom == 'Eukaryota', asv_id]
arch <- tx[Kingdom == 'Archaea', asv_id]
mito_chloro <- tx[, tax_string := paste(Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, sep = ';')
                  ][grepl('mitochond|chloroplast', tax_string, = T), asv_id]

cat('Unassigned\n'); seq_summary(example_qsip[asv_id %in% unassign, c(1, 12)])
cat('Eukarya\n'); seq_summary(example_qsip[asv_id %in% euk, c(1, 12)])
cat('Archaea\n'); seq_summary(example_qsip[asv_id %in% arch, c(1, 12)])
cat('Mitochondria, Chloroplasts\n'); seq_summary(example_qsip[asv_id %in% mito_chloro, c(1, 12)])

# Filter out lineages
example_qsip <- example_qsip[!asv_id %in% c(arch, mito_chloro, euk, unassign)]
cat('\n\nFinal after filtering\n'); seq_summary(example_qsip, 'seq_abund', 'asv_id')
rm(tx, unassign, euk, arch, mito_chloro)

bramstone/qSIP documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 9:11 p.m.