
# maximum return with position limit constraints

R <- edhec[, 1:5]
m <- ncol(R)

constraints <- list()
constraints$min_sum <- 0.99
constraints$max_sum <- 1.01
constraints$min <- rep(0.2, m)
constraints$max <- rep(1, m)
constraints$max_pos <- 3

moments <- list()
moments$mu <- colMeans(R)
moments$mean <- colMeans(R)

target <- NA

max_pos <- constraints$max_pos
min_pos <- 2

# Number of assets
N <- ncol(R)

# Upper and lower bounds on weights
LB <- as.numeric(constraints$min)
UB <- as.numeric(constraints$max)

##### ROI #####

# Check for target return
  # We have a target
  targetcon <- rbind(c(moments$mean, rep(0, N)),
                     c(-moments$mean, rep(0, N)))
  targetdir <- c("<=", "==")
  targetrhs <- c(Inf, -target)
} else {
  # No target specified, just maximize
  targetcon <- NULL
  targetdir <- NULL
  targetrhs <- NULL

# weight_sum constraint
Amat <- rbind(c(rep(1, N), rep(0, N)),
              c(rep(1, N), rep(0, N)))

# Target return constraint
Amat <- rbind(Amat, targetcon)

# Bounds and position limit constraints
Amat <- rbind(Amat, cbind(-diag(N), diag(LB)))
Amat <- rbind(Amat, cbind(diag(N), -diag(UB)))
Amat <- rbind(Amat, c(rep(0, N), rep(-1, N)))
Amat <- rbind(Amat, c(rep(0, N), rep(1, N)))

dir <- c("<=", ">=", targetdir, rep("<=", 2*N), "<=", "<=")
rhs <- c(1, 1, targetrhs, rep(0, 2*N), -min_pos, max_pos)

# Only seems to work if I do not specify bounds
# bnds <- V_bound(, 2*N), lb=c(as.numeric(constraints$min), rep(0, N)),
#       , 2*N), ub=c(as.numeric(constraints$max), rep(Inf, N)))
bnds <- NULL

# Set up the types vector with continuous and binary variables
types <- c(rep("C", N), rep("B", N))

# Set up the linear objective to maximize mean return
ROI_objective <- L_objective(L=c(-moments$mean, rep(0, N)))

# Set up the optimization problem and solve
opt.prob <- OP(objective=ROI_objective, 
               constraints=L_constraint(L=Amat, dir=dir, rhs=rhs),
               bounds=bnds, types=types)
roi.result <- ROI_solve(x=opt.prob, solver="glpk")

##### Rglpk #####

objL <- c(-moments$mean, rep(0, N))

result <- Rglpk_solve_LP(obj=objL, mat=Amat, dir=dir, rhs=rhs, bounds=bnds, types=types)

context("Test Rglpk_solve_LP and ROI_solve for maximum return with cardinality constraints")

test_that("Objective values are equal", {
  expect_equal(roi.result$objval, result$optimum)

test_that("Solutions (optimal weights) are equal", {
  expect_equal(roi.result$solution[1:m], result$solution[1:m])
braverock/PortfolioAnalytics documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 1:03 a.m.