
## Resolve Non-Environments into Environments
## Attempts to follow `eval` semantics
## @param internal add one to stack because this has been called within another
##   function

env_resolve <- function(envir, enclos, internal=FALSE) {
    stop("Argument `enclos` must be an environment.", call.=sys.call(-2))

  env.proc <- if(!is.environment(envir)) {
    if(!is.list(envir) && !is.pairlist(envir) && !is.numeric(envir)) {
        'Argument "envir" must be "environment", "list", "pairlist", ',
        'or "numeric" (is "', typeof(envir), '")',
    # In theory this should not copy any of the contents of the list or pair
    # lists so should be a cheap operation

    if(is.numeric(envir)) {
      # In internal mode we need to subtract one from negative numbers because
      # we are calling this fun from within `expand`.  We only need
      # to do these for strictly neg numbers b/c all others are absolute
      # starting from root of calls

      num.neg <- internal && length(envir) >= 1 && isTRUE(envir[1] < 0)
      if(num.neg) envir[1] <- envir[1] - 1

      env.try <- try(sys.frame(envir))

      if(inherits(env.try, "try-error"))
          "Unable to resolve frame with integer `envir`, see prior error.",
    } else {
      env.list <- if(is.pairlist(envir)) as.list(envir) else envir
          "Argument `envir` may not have \"\" as a name for any elements ",
          "when it is a list or a pairlist.",
      list2env(env.list, parent=enclos)
  } else envir

## Find Symbol and Environment it is Bound in
## Like `get`, except that it returns the symbol value and the environment it
## was found in.
## @param symb.chr a character(1L) representation of symbol name
## @param mode "any" or "function"
## @return a list with the object and environment it was found in if there was
##   one, NULL otherwise

get_with_env <- function(symb.chr, envir, mode="any") {
  stopifnot(mode %in% c("any", "function"), is.environment(envir))
  if(!identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
    # checking for NULL alone is not sufficient
    ex.try <- try(exists(symb.chr, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE))
    if(inherits(ex.try, "try-error")) {
      # nocov start
      stop("Internal error: exists failed, envir type: ", typeof(envir))
      # nocov end
    if(ex.try) {
      obj.val <- tryCatch(
        error=function(e) stop(
          "Error evaluating promise for symbol `", symb.chr, "` in ",
          "environment ", envir
        mode == "function" && (
          mode(obj.val) != "function" && !is.language(obj.val)
      ) {
        get_with_env(symb.chr, envir=parent.env(envir))
      } else list(obj=obj.val, envir=envir)
    } else get_with_env(symb.chr, envir=parent.env(envir))
brodieG/recsub documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:07 p.m.