Submission Notes:

Dear CRAN Maintainers,

I recently resubmitted unitizer at Professor Ripley's request to remove the file that caused unnecessary output in the test results.

Warnings of the following form remain only on MacOS release and oldrel, but I believe them to be false positives:

'library' or 'require' calls not declared from:
 ‘unitizerdummypkg1’ ‘unitizerdummypkg2’

These are fake packages used by unitizer's own integration tests. R CMD check normally white-lists such packages to avoid this type of false positive, but the checks must be run on R-devel, or with --as-cran, or the tests must be in subfolders like those used by testthat. The warnings are occurring because I dropped testthat in favor of the .Rout/ test method, and most likely the macos release/oldrel test runs are without the --as-cran flag (I can reproduce the warning locally on MacOS by omitting --as-cran).

I apologize for any inconvenience this might be causing.


brodieG/unitizer documentation built on May 23, 2024, 8:59 a.m.