
Defines functions test_strappend2 test_smprintfx test_add_szt test_strappend test_strmcpy char_offsets nchar_u strsub collapse strbullet lcfirst ucfirst smprintf6 smprintf2 strmcpy strmlen num_as_chr len_as_chr len_chr_len

# Copyright (C) 2023 Brodie Gaslam
# This file is part of "vetr - Trust, but Verify"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Go to <https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-2> for a copy of the license.

## Number of Characters Taken By Numeric Representation
## e.g., for 100, would be 3, for 1324, would be 4.
## @param x integer(1L)
## @return integer(1L)

len_chr_len <- function(x) .Call(VALC_len_chr_len_ext, x)

## Number Converted To character
## e.g., \code{100} becomes \code{"100"}
## @param x integer(1L)
## @return character(1L)

len_as_chr <- function(x) .Call(VALC_len_as_chr_ext, x)

num_as_chr <- function(a, as.int=FALSE) .Call(VALC_num_as_chr, a, as.int)

## "Safe" String Manipulation Functions
## Implements variants of \code{strlcpy}, \code{strnlen}, etc.
## These functions are intended to be used directly from C but are exposed here
## for testing purposes.  They differ from similar existing versions in these
## respects:
## \itemize{
##   \item all these functions have a limit to how many characters they will
##     read so they should not read past an unterminated string if you know the
##     buffer size
##   \item Input strings are never modified; if changes are required to comply
##     with length limits a copy that is \code{R_alloc}ed is returned
##   \item Only C99 code is used
## }
## Mostly these functions are not actually necessary since the strings
## encountered will have be read in by R and as such should have been handled
## properly.  Additionally, for functions such as smprintf* the `maxlen`
## parameter doesn't really help if the strings to substitute themselves are not
## null terminated since we can only specify one maxlen and there may be many
## strings to deal with.  They were written as a learning exercise for myself.
## Function specific details follow.  Pay attention, the interfaces are not
## exactly the same as the \code{C} functions they intend to replace.  For
## example \code{smprintf} does not have a \code{str} parameter like
## \code{snprintf}, and \code{strmcpy} returns a new character string instead of
## modifying one passed as an argument.).
## \itemize{
##   \item \code{strmlen}: roughly equivalent to POSIX \code{strnlen}, but
##     should be fully portable
##   \item \code{strmcpy}: if \code{strmlen(str)} is greater than \code{maxlen},
##     returns a copy of \code{str} with \code{'\0'} as the \code{maxlen + 1}th
##     character (note return character array is not allocated beyond this NULL),
##     otherwise returns a copy of \code{str}.
##   \item \code{smprintf2}: returns a newly \code{R_alloc}ed string that is just
##     large enough to fit the combination of the format string and the tokens
##     to sub in (note that tokens must be character so only "%s" is meaningful
##     as a formatting element).  To achieve this without overflow, ensures that
##     \code{format} and each token is limited to \code{maxlen - 1} characters.
##     Fails if result string is longer than a \code{size_t} could index.  Note
##     that internally we define \code{smprintf1} - \code{smprintf6}, but we are
##     only exporting the one function directly to R for testing.
##   \item \code{strbullet} ads a bullet at front of string and padding after
##     each new line
##   \item \code{collapse} is essentially the same as \code{paste0(x,
##     collapse=sep}
## }
## @aliases strmcpy smprintf2 ucfirst lcfirst strbullet collapse
## @param str character string to measure or manipulate, should be scalar for
##   \code{strmlen} and \code{strmcpy}
## @param format character(1L) string to use as format template
## @param maxlen integer(1L) size limit to truncate to, or to limit tokens to
## @param a character(1L) another string
## @param b character(1L) another string
## @param bullet character(1L) a string to use as the bullet symbol
## @param ctd character(1L) a string preferably the same number of characters as
##   \code{bullet} to use after the first line wraps in a bullet
## @param sep character(1L) a separator to use when collapsing character vectors
##   with \code{collapse}
## @return integer(1L) for \code{strmlen}, character(1L) for \code{strmcpy}
##   and \code{smprintf2}

strmlen <- function(str, maxlen=10000L) .Call(VALC_strmlen_ext, str, maxlen)

## @rdname strmlen
## @export

strmcpy <- function(str, maxlen=10000L) .Call(VALC_strmcpy_ext, str, maxlen)

## @rdname strmlen
## @export

smprintf2 <- function(format, a, b, maxlen=10000L)
  .Call(VALC_smprintf2_ext, maxlen, format, a, b)

smprintf6 <- function(format, a, b, c, d, e, f, maxlen=10000L)
  .Call(VALC_smprintf6_ext, maxlen, format, a, b, c, d, e, f)

## @rdname strmlen
## @export

ucfirst <- function(str, maxlen=10000L) .Call(VALC_ucfirst_ext, str, maxlen)

## @rdname strmlen
## @export

lcfirst <- function(str, maxlen=10000L) .Call(VALC_lcfirst_ext, str, maxlen)

## @rdname strmlen
## @export

strbullet <- function(str, bullet="- ", ctd="  ", maxlen=10000L)
  .Call(VALC_bullet_ext, str, bullet, ctd, maxlen)

## @rdname strmlen
## @export

collapse <- function(str, sep="", maxlen=10000L)
  .Call(VALC_collapse_ext, str, sep, maxlen)

strsub <- function(string, chars=15L, mark=TRUE)
  .Call(VALC_strsub, string, chars, mark)

nchar_u <- function(string) .Call(VALC_nchar_u, string)

char_offsets <- function(string) .Call(VALC_char_offsets, string)

## Purely internal funs for testing

test_strmcpy <- function() .Call(VALC_test_strmcpy)
test_strappend <- function() .Call(VALC_test_strappend)
test_add_szt <- function() .Call(VALC_test_add_szt)
test_smprintfx <- function() .Call(VALC_test_smprintfx)
test_strappend2 <- function() .Call(VALC_test_strappend2)
brodieG/validate documentation built on June 24, 2024, 1:38 p.m.