
#' Graph output file management
#' Graph output file management.
#' Do not forget to close the graphics device again with code like \code{if(pdf|png) dev.off()}\.cr
#' PDFs are vector graphics and nicely zoomable and thus the default for
#' \code{\link{vis_discharge}}. \cr
#' PNGs are pixely raster graphics but may have a much smaller file size.
#' They are better suited for spatial grids and thus the default in
#' \code{\link{vis_asc}} and \code{\link{vis_dem}}.
#' @return Nothing, but opens a pdf or png device if either pdf or png is TRUE.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Feb 2017
#' @seealso \code{\link{pdf}}, \code{\link{png}}
#' @keywords file
#' @importFrom berryFunctions newFilename
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf png
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pdf_png("dummyplot", pdf=TRUE)
#' plot(cumsum(rnorm(1000)), type="l")
#' dev.off()
#' unlink("dummyplot.pdf")
#' @param file         filename without pdf/png extension. Unless overwrite=TRUE,
#'                     files will not be overwritten. _1 will be appended instead,
#'                     see \code{\link[berryFunctions]{newFilename}}.
#' @param pdf          Write plots created after calling this function into PDF
#'                     instead of R graphics device? DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param png          Ditto for PNG. Set either to TRUE, but not both
#'                     (will stop with an error). DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param overwrite    Logical: overwrite existing \code{file}?
#'                     DEFAULT: FALSE (_n appended in filename)
#' @param width,height Graph dimensions. DEFAULT: 7x5 inches
#' @param units,res    Graph quality arguments passed only to \code{\link{png}}.
#'                     DEFAULT: inches ("in"), 500 ppi
#' @param \dots        Further arguments passed to \code{\link{pdf}} or \code{\link{png}}
pdf_png <- function(
  if(pdf & png) stop("png and pdf are both TRUE. Select either one, but not both.")
  if(!pdf&!png) return(invisible("pdf and png are both FALSE."))
  figpath <- paste0(file, ".", if(pdf) "pdf", if(png) "png")
  # do not overwrite existing files
  figpath <- berryFunctions::newFilename(figpath, ignore=overwrite)
  if(pdf) pdf(figpath, width=width, height=height, ...)
  if(png) png(figpath, width=width, height=height, units=units, res=res, ...)
brry/mhmVis documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:53 a.m.