
#' math4800 project
#' this file implemnts a funciton to sample from a random variable that is passed in
#' @description This function returns a vector with n elemtns from a continus random variable
#' @param n number of observations. n must be an integer >0
#' @param pdf a function that is the  pdf of the distribution.
#' @param lower lower and upper limits of the  of the distribution. Must be finite such that \eqn{P(a \le X \le b \cap a \le Y \le b) = 1}.
#' @param lower lower and upper limits of the distribution
#' @param C a numeric such that \eqn{f(x,y) \le C} for all values of x.
#' @return data.frame of random deviate pairs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rejectionSampler(n = 1000, pdf = mypdf, lower = 0, upper = 2, C = 1)
#' this is an exact bounds so that the pdf integrates to 1
#' rejectionSampler(n = 1000, pdf = normpdf, lower = -100, upper = 100, C = 1)

rejectionSampler <- function(n , pdf, lower, upper, C ){
  holder <- c()
  veccheck <- integrate(pdf,lower,upper) # check for valid pdf
   if(!(round(veccheck[1]$value) == 1)) {
      stop("invalid pdf")
  if( !(n >= 1) ) {
    stop(" n must be an interger greater than 0 ")
  if( !(lower < upper) ) {
    stop(" lower must be an interger less than uppper ")
  if(lower == -Inf || upper == Inf) {
    warning("this bounds may cause errors")
  while(length(holder) < n) {
    sim <- c()
    sim <- replicate(n, {
      x <- runif(1, lower, upper) # proposed
      check <- runif(1,0,C) # commpaer to pdf
      pdfcheck <- pdf(x) # run proposed point wiht pdf
      if( pdfcheck <= check) {
      }else {
    holder <- c(holder,sim[!is.na(sim)])
  if(!(length(holder) == n)) {
    holder <- holder[1:n]

#' math4800 project
#' @description This function is a simple pdf returns a number
#' @param x number that should be between 0 and 2 or else the pdf is 0
#' @export
mypdf <- function(x){
  if( x <= 2  && x >= 0) {

#' math4800 project
#' @description This function is a simple  normal pdf returns a number
#' @param x number that should be between 0 and 1 or else the pdf is 0
#' @export
normpdf <- function(x){
brucker3/math4800 documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:14 p.m.