
Defines functions bdc_scientificName_empty

Documented in bdc_scientificName_empty

#' Identify records with empty scientific names
#' Flags records with empty or not interpretable scientific names.
#' @family prefilter
#' @param data data.frame. Containing the species scientific names.
#' @param sci_names character string. The column name with the species
#' scientific name. Default = "scientificName".
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @details This test identifies records missing scientific names (i.e., empty
#' or not applicable [NA] names)
#' @return A data.frame containing the column ".scientificName_empty". Compliant
#' (TRUE) if 'sci_names' is not empty; otherwise "FALSE".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- data.frame(scientificName = c("Ocotea odorifera", NA, "Panthera onca", ""))
#' bdc_scientificName_empty(data = x, sci_names = "scientificName")
bdc_scientificName_empty <-
           sci_names = "scientificName") {
    . <- NULL

    sci_names <- data[[sci_names]]

    sci_names <-
      sci_names %>%
      trimws(.) %>%
      ifelse(. == "" | . == "NA", NA, .)

    .scientificName_empty <- ifelse(is.na(sci_names) == FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

    df <- data.frame(data, .scientificName_empty)

        sum(.scientificName_empty == FALSE),
        "records.\nOne column was added to the database.\n"

brunobrr/bdc documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 4:18 a.m.