
#' Table 5.6
#' GNP and Four Measures of Money Stock
#' Source: Economic Report of the President, 1985, GNP data from Table B-1, p. 232; money stock data from Table B-61, p. 303.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data('Table5_6')
#' @format
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{Year}
#' \item \strong{GNP: } Gross Nacional Product
#' \item \strong{M1: } Currency + Demand deposits + Travelers checks and other checkable deposits (OCDs)
#' \item \strong{M2: } M1 + Overnight RPs and Eurodollars + MMMF (Money market mutual fund) balances + MMDAs (Money market deposit accounts) + Savings and small deposits
#' \item \strong{M3: } M2 + Large time deposits + Term RPs + Institutional MMMF
#' \item \strong{L: } M3 + Other liquid assets
#' }
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