
Defines functions create_basis

Documented in create_basis

# create_** description:
# Functions that take in stuff and create a function or list of functions.
#' Creates an m_estimation_basis object
#' @inheritParams m_estimate
#' @details Either \code{data} or \code{split_data} must be provided
#' @return a \code{\linkS4class{m_estimation_basis}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myee <- function(data){
#'    function(theta){
#'     c(data$Y1 - theta[1],
#'      (data$Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2])
#'    }
#'  }
#' mybasis <- create_basis(
#'    estFUN = myee,
#'    data   = geexex)

create_basis <- function(estFUN, data, units, outer_args, inner_args){
      .estFUN = estFUN,
      .data   = data,
      .units  =  if(!missing(units)) units else character(),
      .outer_args = if(!missing(outer_args)) outer_args else list(),
      .inner_args = if(!missing(inner_args)) inner_args else list() )

#' Creates list of psi functions
#' Creates the estimating function (\eqn{\psi(O_i, \theta)}{\psi(O_i, \theta)})
#' for each unit. That is, this function evaluates the outer function in
#' \code{estFUN} for each independent unit and a returns the inner function in
#' \code{estFUN}.
#' @param object an object of class \code{\linkS4class{m_estimation_basis}}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to other methods
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname create_psiFUN_list-methods
#' @return the \code{object} with the \code{.psiFUN_list} slot populated.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myee <- function(data){
#'    function(theta){
#'     c(data$Y1 - theta[1],
#'      (data$Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2])
#'    }
#'  }
#' mybasis <- create_basis(
#'    estFUN = myee,
#'    data   = geexex)
#' psi_list <- grab_psiFUN_list(create_psiFUN_list(mybasis))
#' # A list of functions
#' head(psi_list)
setGeneric("create_psiFUN_list", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("create_psiFUN_list"))

#' @rdname create_psiFUN_list-methods
#' @aliases create_psiFUN_list,m_estimation_basis,m_estimation_basis-method

  f = "create_psiFUN_list",
  signature = "m_estimation_basis",
  definition = function(object){

    # Split data frame into data frames for each independent unit
    # if units are not specified, split into one per observation
    dt <- grab_basis_data(object)
    ut <- if(length(object@.units) == 0) 1:nrow(dt) else dt[[object@.units]]
    split_data <- split(x = dt, f = ut)

    # Apply estFUN to each unit's data
    out <- lapply(split_data, function(data_i){
              args = append(list(data = data_i), object@.outer_args))

    # if user specifies an approximation function, apply the function to each
    # evaluation of psi

    appFUN  <- grab_FUN(object@.control, "approx")
    appopts <- grab_options(object@.control, "approx")
      lapply(out, function(f){
        do.call(appFUN, args = append(list(psi = f), appopts))
      }) -> out

    set_psiFUN_list(object) <- out

#' Creates a function that sums over psi functions
#' From a list of \eqn{\psi(O_i, \theta)}{\psi(O_i, \theta)} for i = 1, ..., m,
#' creates \eqn{G_m = \sum_i \psi(O_i, \theta)}{G_m = \sum_i \psi(O_i, \theta)},
#' called \code{GFUN}. Here, \eqn{\psi(O_i, \theta)}{\psi(O_i, \theta)} is the
#' *inner* part of an \code{estFUN}, in that the data is fixed and \eqn{G_m}{G_m}
#' is a function of \eqn{\theta)}{\theta}.
#' @inheritParams create_psiFUN_list
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname create_GFUN-methods
#' @return a function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myee <- function(data){
#'    function(theta){
#'     c(data$Y1 - theta[1],
#'      (data$Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2])
#'    }
#'  }
#' mybasis <- create_basis(
#'    estFUN = myee,
#'    data   = geexex)
#' f <- grab_GFUN(create_GFUN(mybasis))
#' # Evaluate GFUN at mean and variance: should be close to zero
#' n <- nrow(geexex)
#' f(c(mean(geexex$Y1), var(geexex$Y1) * (n - 1)/n))

setGeneric("create_GFUN", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("create_GFUN"))

#' @rdname create_GFUN-methods
#' @aliases create_GFUN,m_estimation_basis,m_estimation_basis-method

  f = "create_GFUN",
  signature = "m_estimation_basis",
  definition = function(object){
    psi_list <- grab_psiFUN_list(object)
    GFUN <- function(theta){
      psii <- lapply(psi_list, function(psi) {
        do.call(psi, args = append(list(theta = theta), object@.inner_args))

      compute_sum_of_list(psii, object@.weights)
    set_GFUN(object) <- GFUN
bsaul/geex documentation built on May 8, 2024, 5:36 p.m.