

## dummy init list
dil <- list("sc_init_list" = TRUE,
            "dfvars" = FALSE,
            "select" = NULL,
            "select_order" = NULL,
            "filter" = NULL,
            "zip" = NULL,
            "year" = "latest")

test_that("Errors for non-init()", {
  expect_error(sc_filter(unitid == 99999),
               "Chain not properly initialized. Be sure to start with sc_init().")

test_that("Errors for bad symbols", {
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, unitid > 99999),
               "Must use either \"==\", \"!=\", or \"%in%\" in sc_filter.")
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, unitid < 99999),
               "Must use either \"==\", \"!=\", or \"%in%\" in sc_filter.")
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, unitid = 99999),
               "Must use either \"==\", \"!=\", or \"%in%\" in sc_filter.")
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, unitid >= 99999),
               "Must use either \"==\", \"!=\", or \"%in%\" in sc_filter.")
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, unitid <= 99999),
               "Must use either \"==\", \"!=\", or \"%in%\" in sc_filter.")

test_that("Error for bad variable names", {
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, x == 99999),
               "Variable \"x\" not found in dictionary. Please check your spelling or search dictionary: ?sc_dict()",
               fixed = TRUE)

ids <- c(99999, 99998, 99997)
assign("ids", ids, envir = .GlobalEnv)

test_that("Symbols correctly converted", {
  ## single value
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid == 99999)[["filter"]],
  ## concatenation
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid == c(99999,99998))[["filter"]],
  ## using object from global environment
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid == ids)[["filter"]],
  ## using object from global enviroment with %in%
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid %in% ids)[["filter"]],
  ## using object from global enviroment: subset to one
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid %in% ids[1])[["filter"]],
  ## using object from global enviroment: subset to first two
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid %in% ids[1:2])[["filter"]],
  ## using object from global enviroment: subset to first and third
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid %in% ids[c(1,3)])[["filter"]],
  ## not equal
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, unitid != 99999)[["filter"]],
  ## accounting for white space in name
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, instnm == "New York")[["filter"]],
  ## accounting for white space in multiple names
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, instnm == c("New York", "New Jersey"))[["filter"]],
  ## range
  expect_equal(sc_filter(dil, ccbasic == 10:14)[["filter"]],

## not on CRAN -----------------------------------

test_that("Filtered pulls not the same", {
  df1 <- sc_init() |>
    sc_filter(region == 2, ccbasic == c(21,22,23), locale == 41:43) |>
    sc_select(unitid) |>
    sc_year(2013) |>
    sc_get(debug = TRUE)

  filter <- c("region == 2", "ccbasic == c(21,22,23)", "locale == 41:43")
  df2 <- sc_init() |>
    sc_filter_(filter) |>
    sc_select(unitid) |>
    sc_year(2013) |>
    sc_get(debug = TRUE)

  expect_equal(df1, df2)

test_that("Allows for filter variable that is not approved", {
  expect_error(sc_filter(dil, avgfacsal == 100000))
btskinner/rscorecard documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:31 a.m.