
context("regular expression conversions")

## dev-friendly --> var names: year
test_that("Conversion errors from dev-friendly names to var names: year", {

  ## i := input
  ## o := output
  ## h := hash conversion

  ## academics
  i <- "2016.academics.program_percentage.humanities"
  o <- "program_percentage.humanities"
  h <- "pcip24"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## admissions
  i <- "2016.admissions.sat_scores.75th_percentile.critical_reading"
  o <- "sat_scores.75th_percentile.critical_reading"
  h <- "satvr75"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## aid
  i <- "2016.aid.median_debt.number.income.30001_75000"
  o <- "median_debt.number.income.30001_75000"
  h <- "md_inc_debt_n"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## completion
  i <- "2016.completion.title_iv.loan_recip.transf_unknown_4yr_by.2yrs"
  o <- "title_iv.loan_recip.transf_unknown_4yr_by.2yrs"
  h <- "loan_unkn_4yr_trans_yr2_rt"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## cost
  i <- "2016.cost.title_iv.private.by_income_level.110001-plus"
  o <- "title_iv.private.by_income_level.110001-plus"
  h <- "num45_priv"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## earnings
  i <- "2016.earnings.10_yrs_after_entry.working_not_enrolled.earnings_percentile.10"
  o <- "10_yrs_after_entry.working_not_enrolled.earnings_percentile.10"
  h <- "pct10_earn_wne_p10"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## repayment
  i <- "2016.repayment.3_yr_repayment.income.greater_than_75000"
  o <- "3_yr_repayment.income.greater_than_75000"
  h <- "hi_inc_rpy_3yr_rt"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## root
  i <- "2016.root.id"
  o <- "id"
  h <- "unitid"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## school
  i <- "2016.school.state"
  o <- "state"
  h <- "stabbr"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## student
  i <- "2016.student.share_dependent_middleincome.300001_48000"
  o <- "share_dependent_middleincome.300001_48000"
  h <- "dep_inc_pct_m1"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

## dev-friendly --> var names: latest
test_that("Conversion errors from dev-friendly names to var names: latest", {

  ## i := input
  ## o := output
  ## h := hash conversion

  ## academics
  i <- "latest.academics.program_percentage.humanities"
  o <- "program_percentage.humanities"
  h <- "pcip24"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## admissions
  i <- "latest.admissions.sat_scores.75th_percentile.critical_reading"
  o <- "sat_scores.75th_percentile.critical_reading"
  h <- "satvr75"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## aid
  i <- "latest.aid.median_debt.number.income.30001_75000"
  o <- "median_debt.number.income.30001_75000"
  h <- "md_inc_debt_n"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## completion
  i <- "latest.completion.title_iv.loan_recip.transf_unknown_4yr_by.2yrs"
  o <- "title_iv.loan_recip.transf_unknown_4yr_by.2yrs"
  h <- "loan_unkn_4yr_trans_yr2_rt"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## cost
  i <- "latest.cost.title_iv.private.by_income_level.110001-plus"
  o <- "title_iv.private.by_income_level.110001-plus"
  h <- "num45_priv"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## earnings
  i <- "latest.earnings.10_yrs_after_entry.working_not_enrolled.earnings_percentile.10"
  o <- "10_yrs_after_entry.working_not_enrolled.earnings_percentile.10"
  h <- "pct10_earn_wne_p10"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## repayment
  i <- "latest.repayment.3_yr_repayment.income.greater_than_75000"
  o <- "3_yr_repayment.income.greater_than_75000"
  h <- "hi_inc_rpy_3yr_rt"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## root
  i <- "latest.root.id"
  o <- "id"
  h <- "unitid"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## school
  i <- "latest.school.state"
  o <- "state"
  h <- "stabbr"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

  ## student
  i <- "latest.student.share_dependent_middleincome.300001_48000"
  o <- "share_dependent_middleincome.300001_48000"
  h <- "dep_inc_pct_m1"
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i, debug = TRUE), o)
  expect_equal(dev_to_var(i), h)

## add year
test_that("Conversion errors when adding year: year", {

  i <- c("academics.program_percentage.humanities",

  o <- c("2016.academics.program_percentage.humanities",

  i_string <- paste(i, collapse = ",")
  o_string <- paste(o, collapse = ",")

  expect_equal(add_year(i_string, "2016"), o_string)

  ## permute
  new_order <- sample(1:length(i))
  i <- i[new_order]
  o <- o[new_order]

  i_string <- paste(i, collapse = ",")
  o_string <- paste(o, collapse = ",")

  expect_equal(add_year(i_string, "2016"), o_string)


## add latest year
test_that("Conversion errors when adding year: latest", {

  i <- c("academics.program_percentage.humanities",

  o <- c("latest.academics.program_percentage.humanities",

  i_string <- paste(i, collapse = ",")
  o_string <- paste(o, collapse = ",")

  expect_equal(add_year(i_string, "latest"), o_string)

  ## permute
  new_order <- sample(1:length(i))
  i <- i[new_order]
  o <- o[new_order]

  i_string <- paste(i, collapse = ",")
  o_string <- paste(o, collapse = ",")

  expect_equal(add_year(i_string, "latest"), o_string)

btskinner/rscorecard documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 12:56 p.m.