
#' zplyr: Zachary Burchill's personal package
#' \strong{The zplyr package has nothing to do with "plyr" or "dplyr",
#' the name was just a bad joke.} \cr \cr
#' zplyr is a collection of personal functions that I,
#' \href{http://burchill.github.io}{Zach Burchill}, have found useful in my grad
#' studies. This package was created before the big \code{tidyverse} update,
#' when it got all that cool non-standard evaluation \code{rlang} stuff that makes it
#' so easy to jive with the rest of the \code{tidyverse}. \cr \cr
#' Furthermore, much of this code was written early in my grad career, when I wasn't
#' as familiar with what \code{R} packages were out there, and when I pretty
#' much sucked. I did learn a lot about \code{nse} and \code{R} documentation and
#' package creation making this, however.
#' @section Foo functions:
#' The foo functions ...
#' @docType package
#' @name zplyr
burchill/zplyr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 11:01 a.m.