
Defines functions process.group.plot

Documented in process.group.plot

#' One-Way and Two-Way Histograms/Plots 
#' Prepares data and plots a dependent variable across one or two independent variables,
#' yielding a matrix of plots. 
#' @param fx Formula - grouping formula of form dv ~ iv or dv ~ iv1 + iv2
#' @param data Data Frame - The data for the plots
#' @param FUN Function - Plotting function compatible with parameters for hist.grouped
#' @param interval.size Numeric - Bin size
#' @param anchor.value Numeric - One of the breakpoints
#' @param width.consider Numeric - Bin sizes to consider when plotting histograms
#' @param right Logical - If TRUE, the histogram cells are right-closed (left open) intervals.
#' @param hist.correct.label Logical - Provide better placement for labels compared with the labeled cells/bins.
#' @param constant.x.axis Logical - If TRUE, ensure all plots have the same domains.
#' @param constant.y.axis Logical - If TRUE, ensure all plots have the same ranges.
#' @param ... Additional parameters - Additional parameters passed to FUN
#' @return No return value 
process.group.plot <- function(
  ,data = NULL
  ,FUN = hist.grouped
  ,interval.size = NA
  ,anchor.value  = NA
  ,width.consider = lolcat.default.width.consider 
  ,right = F
  ,hist.correct.label = isTRUE(all.equal(FUN,hist.grouped))
  #,call.dev.off = T
  ,constant.x.axis = T
  ,constant.y.axis = T
) {
  par.orig <- par(no.readonly = T)
  iv.names<-attributes(terms(fx))$term.labels[which(attributes(fx.terms)$order == 1)]
  cell.codes <- compute.group.cell.codes(fx =fx, data = data)
  fd.overall <- frequency.dist.grouped(
    x = data[[response]]
    ,interval.size = interval.size
    ,anchor.value = anchor.value
    ,width.consider = width.consider
    ,right = right
  anchor.value  <- fd.overall$midpoint[1]
  interval.size <- fd.overall$min[2] - fd.overall$min[1] 
  all.fd <- lapply(split(data[[response]], cell.codes), FUN = function(x) {
      x = x
      ,interval.size = interval.size
      ,anchor.value = anchor.value
      ,right = right
  } )
  xlim <- c(min(fd.overall$midpoint)-interval.size, max(fd.overall$midpoint) + interval.size)
  ylim <- c(0, max(unlist(lapply(all.fd, FUN = function(y) { max(y$freq)}))) + 1)

  if (length(iv.names) == 0) {
  } else if (length(iv.names) == 1) {
    layout_matrix <- matrix(1:length(all.fd), ncol=1)
    response.split <- split(data[[response]], cell.codes)
    iv.split <- split(data[[iv.names[1]]], cell.codes)
    # Plot rxc ...
    correction <- if (hist.correct.label) {
    } else {
    at     <- fd.overall$midpoint-correction
    labels <- fd.overall$midpoint
    for ( i in 1:length(response.split)) {

      x <- response.split[[i]]
      if (length(x) > 0) {
            ,main=paste(response, " (",iv.names[1]," = ",iv.split[[i]][1],")", sep="")
            ,right = right
        axis(1, at=at ,labels = labels )
      } else {
        text(.5,.5, "N/A")
  } else if (length(iv.names) == 2) {
    row_var = iv.names[1]
    col_var = iv.names[2]
    unique_row = unique(as.character(data[[row_var]]))
    unique_col = unique(as.character(data[[col_var]]))
    #Compute layout matrix and widths/heights
    layout_mat <- matrix(1:(length(unique_row)*length(unique_col)) , nrow=length(unique_row), byrow=T) + 1 + 2 + length(unique_row) + length(unique_col)
    layout_mat <- cbind(1, layout_mat)
    layout_mat <- cbind(1, layout_mat)
    layout_mat <- rbind(1, layout_mat)
    layout_mat <- rbind(1, layout_mat)
    layout_mat[1,3:ncol(layout_mat)] <- 2 # Column Title Index
    layout_mat[3:nrow(layout_mat),1] <- 3 # Row Title Index
    layout_mat[2,3:ncol(layout_mat)] <- 3+1:(ncol(layout_mat)-2) # Column Titles Index
    layout_mat[3:nrow(layout_mat),2] <- layout_mat[2,ncol(layout_mat)]+1:(nrow(layout_mat)-2) # Column Titles Index
    widths  <- c(.1,.1,rep(.8/(ncol(layout_mat)-2),ncol(layout_mat)-2))
    heights <- c(.1,.1,rep(.8/(nrow(layout_mat)-2),nrow(layout_mat)-2))
    layout(layout_mat, widths = widths, heights = heights)
    #Start with labels
    plot.new() #Blank -
    plot.new() #Column variable
    plot.new() #Row variable
    for (i in unique_col) {

    for (i in unique_row) {
      text(0.5,0.5,i,cex=1.5,font=2, srt=90)

    # Plot rxc ...
    correction <- if (hist.correct.label) {
    } else {
    at     <- fd.overall$midpoint-correction
    labels <- fd.overall$midpoint
    for (i in unique_row) {
      for (j in unique_col) {
        x <- data[[response]][which(data[[row_var]] == i & data[[col_var]] == j)]
        if (length(x) > 0) {
            ,right = right)
        axis(1, at=at ,labels = labels )
        } else {
          text(.5,.5, "N/A")
  } else {
    stop("Not supported yet...")
  # x<-1:10
  # par(mar=c(2.5,2.5,1,1))
  # layout(matrix(c(6,6,6,1,2,3,1,4,5),ncol=3),heights=c(1,3,3), widths = c(1,3,3))
  # plot.new()
  # text(0.5,0.5,"First title",cex=2,font=2)
  # hist.grouped(rnorm(50), main = NULL)
  # hist.grouped(rnorm(50), main = NULL)
  # hist.grouped(rnorm(50), main = NULL)
  # hist.grouped(rnorm(50), main = NULL)
  # plot.new()
  # text(0.5,0.5,"Third title",cex=2,font=2,srt=90)
  #if (call.dev.off) {
  #  dev.off()
burrm/lolcat documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 11:35 a.m.