
Defines functions supported_tickers is_supported_ticker

Documented in is_supported_ticker supported_tickers

#' Ticker information
#' [is_supported_ticker()] can tell you if a given ticker is supported on Tiingo.
#' [supported_tickers()] returns a `tibble` listing every available ticker.
#' @param ticker The single ticker to check for on Tiingo.
#' @param type One of: `"tiingo"`, `"iex"`, or `"crypto"`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # VOO is supported on both Tiingo and IEX
#' is_supported_ticker("VOO")
#' is_supported_ticker("VOO", type = "iex")
#' # PRHSX is a mutual fund that is supported by Tiingo but not IEX
#' is_supported_ticker("PRHSX")
#' is_supported_ticker("PRHSX", type = "iex")
#' # BTCUSD is available
#' is_supported_ticker("btcusd", type = "crypto")
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname ticker_info
is_supported_ticker <- function(ticker, type = "tiingo") {

  assert_x_is_length(ticker, "ticker", 1L)
  assert_x_inherits(ticker, "ticker", "character")

  tickers <- supported_tickers(type)

  ticker_col <- switch(type,
                       "tiingo" = "ticker",
                       "iex"    = "Symbol",
                       "crypto" = "ticker")

  ticker %in% tickers[[ticker_col]]

#' @rdname ticker_info
#' @export
supported_tickers <- function(type = "tiingo") {

  if(!(type %in% c("tiingo", "iex", "crypto"))) {
    stop("Unsupported type. Use one of: 'tingo', 'iex', or 'crypto'.", call. = FALSE)

  if (type == "iex") {

    resp <- httr::GET("https://iextrading.com/api/mobile/refdata")
    cont <- httr::content(resp, as = "text")
    tickers <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cont)

  } else if (type == "tiingo") {

    supported_ticker_url <- "https://apimedia.tiingo.com/docs/tiingo/daily/supported_tickers.zip"

    temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")

    # Write zip to disk
    httr::GET(supported_ticker_url, httr::write_disk(temp_file))

    # Unzip and read
    dir_path <- dirname(temp_file)

    utils::unzip(temp_file, exdir = dir_path)
    ticker_path <- paste0(dir_path, "/supported_tickers.csv")

    tickers <- tibble::as_tibble(utils::read.csv(ticker_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    # Date
    tickers <- purrr::modify_at(
      .x = tickers,
      .at = c("startDate", "endDate"),
      .f = ~as.POSIXct(.x, tz = "UTC", format = "%Y-%m-%d")


  } else if (type == "crypto") {

    tickers <- riingo_crypto_meta("")


business-science/riingo documentation built on Sept. 16, 2020, 4:39 p.m.