future.redis: An Elastic Backend for the Future Package using Redis


The future package defines a simple and uniform way of evaluating R expressions asynchronously. Future "backend" packages implement asynchronous processing over various shared-memory and distributed systems.

Redis is a fast networked key/value database that includes a stack-like data structure (Redis "lists"). This feature makes Redis useful as a lightweight task queue manager for elastic distributed computing.

The future.redis package defines a simple elastic distributed computing backend for future using the redux package to communicate with Redis. Elastic means that workers can be added or removed at any time, including during a running computation. Elasticity implies partial fault-tolerance (to handle workers that go away during a running computation). This style of distributed computing is well-suited to modern cloud environments, and especially cloud spot markets.

Here is a quick example procedure for experimenting with future.redis:

  1. Install Redis on your computer.
  2. Install the future.redis package, e.g. remotes::install_github("bwlewis/future.redis").
  3. Start the Redis server running (see the Redis documentation). We assume that the server is running on the host "localhost" and port 6379 (the default Redis port). We assume in the examples below that the worker R processes and the coordinator are running on the same machine. In practice, they can of course run across a network.
  4. See the ?redis or ?future.redis help pages in the package.

bwlewis/future.redis documentation built on May 12, 2023, 1:52 a.m.