Man pages for bwlewis/future.redis
An Elastic Distributed Computing Backend for the Future Package

delAliveEnd a task liveness thread
future.redisfuture.redis: An elastic distributed computing backend for...
processTaskProcess a task
redisRedis-based futures
RedisFutureA Redis-based future task queue implementation
removeQRemove a Redis-based work queue
resolved.RedisFutureCheck on the status of a future task.
resubmitRe-submit a future to the task queue
result.RedisFutureObtain and return a future task result (blocking)
run.RedisFutureSubmit the future to the task queue
setAliveStart a task liveness thread
startLocalWorkersStart one or more background R worker processes on the local...
workerStart a Redis worker process loop
bwlewis/future.redis documentation built on May 12, 2023, 1:52 a.m.