
Defines functions plot_nuts2013_coropleth generate_infobox plot_eu_ts

#' Coropleth map plot of Eurostat data
#' This function renders an interactive \emph{Coropleth} map of the NUTS2013 regions for the selected data subset.
#' @param age.a Selected age group.
#' @param sex.a Selected gender.
#' @param time.s Selected time.
#' @return Interactive Coropleth map rendered using \code{leaflet}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_eu_ts}}
#' @import leaflet tigris magrittr htmltools
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load the data.
#' load_eurostat_data(time.format = "raw")
#' # Using defaults.
#' plot_nuts2013_coropleth()
#' # Create an interactive coropleth map of unemployed peopled aged 15 to 24 for 2016.
#' plot_nuts2013_coropleth(sex.a = "T", age.a = "Y15-24", time.s = 2016)
plot_nuts2013_coropleth = function(age.a = c("Y_GE25", "Y15-24", "Y15-74", "Y20-64", "Y_GE15"),
                                   sex.a = c("T", "M", "F"),
                          time.s = "2010") {
  # Ugly hack...
  . = NULL

  # Match parameters.
  age.s = match.arg(age.a)
  sex.s = match.arg(sex.a)

  # FIXME: Should load this only once.
  nuts.mapping = load_nuts_mapping()

  # Merge data with geo data.
  # Also, merge real area name.
  plot.data.geo = get_eurostat_data() %>% filter_eurostat_data(age.a = age.s,
                                             sex.a = sex.s) %>%
    filter_nuts2013_data(time.s = time.s) %>%
      data = .,
      geocolumn = "geo",
      resolution = "60",
      output_class = "spdf",
      all_regions = TRUE
    ) %>%
             by_sp = "NUTS_ID",
             by_df = "geo",
             how = "inner")

  # Generate labels for the popups.
  labels = sprintf(
    "<strong>%s</strong><br/>%g %% unemployed",
  ) %>% lapply(HTML)

  # Legend title.
  legend.title = "Percent unemployed<br/>by NUTS2013 region"

  # Eurostat copyright notice.
  copyright.info = "&copy; EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries"

  info.box = generate_infobox(age.s, sex.s, time.s)

  # Plot cloropleth map with Leaflet.
  plot.pal = colorBin(palette = "YlOrRd",
                      domain = plot.data.geo$values)

  # Perform the plot.
  plot.data.geo %>%
    leaflet() %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    setView(lng = 9.6, lat = 53.6, zoom = 3.2) %>%
      color = "#444444",
      weight = 1,
      smoothFactor = 0.5,
      opacity = 1.0,
      fillOpacity = 0.5,
      fillColor = ~ plot.pal(values),
      highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
        weight = 4,
        color = "#666",
        dashArray = "",
        fillOpacity = 0.7,
        bringToFront = TRUE
      label = labels,
      labelOptions = labelOptions(
        style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"),
        textsize = "15px",
        direction = "auto"
    ) %>%
    addControl(html = info.box,
               position = "topright") %>%
    addControl(html = copyright.info,
               position = "bottomleft") %>%
      pal = plot.pal,
      values = ~ values,
      title = legend.title,
      labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = "%"),
      opacity = 0.3

#' Generate an info box for the Leaflet plot
#' @param age.s Selected age group.
#' @param sex.s Selected gender.
#' @param time.s Selected time.
#' @return String with HTML code for info box.
generate_infobox = function(age.s = "Y_GE25",
                            sex.s = "T",
                            time.s = "2010") {

  # FIXME: Add parameter check.
  # FIXME: Use swtich statement?

  if (age.s == "Y15-24") {
    age.text = "15-24 years"
  } else if (age.s == "Y15-74") {
    age.text = "15-74 years"
  } else if (age.s == "Y20-64") {
    age.text = "20-64 years"
  } else if (age.s == "Y_GE15") {
    age.text = ">= 15 years"
  } else if (age.s == "Y_GE25") {
    age.text = ">= 25 years"
  } else {
    age.text = "Unknown"

  if (sex.s == "F") {
    sex.text = "Females"
  } else if (sex.s == "M") {
    sex.text = "Males"
  } else if (sex.s == "T") {
    sex.text = "Both"
  } else {
    sex.text = "Unknown"

  # Create the HTML content for the info box.
  sprintf("<strong>Year:</strong> %s<br/><strong>Age group</strong>: %s<br/><strong>Gender</strong> %s",

#' Comparative plots of Eurostat time series
#' This function produces a neat plot of Eurostat time series data.
#' @param obj Time series data frame with \code{x}.
#' @param title.s The plot's title.
#' @return A comparative plot rendered using \code{ggplot2}.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_nuts2013_coropleth}}
#' @examples
#' # Create a plot comparing unemployment in different countries.
#' library(magrittr)
#' load_eurostat_data()
#' selected.geos = c("ES", "DE", "IE")
#' compare.data = get_eurostat_data() %>% filter_eurostat_data(geo.s = selected.geos)
#' plot_eu_ts(compare.data,
#'            title.s = "Comparison of unemployment in Europe\nfor people aged 25 and above")
plot_eu_ts = function(obj, title.s) {
  time = values = NULL
  # FIXME: Could do the load once.
  nuts.mapping = load_nuts_mapping()

  obj = merge_geo_description(obj, nuts.mapping)
  p = ggplot(obj, aes(x = time, y = values, colour = desc))
  p = p + geom_line()
  p = p + theme_bw()
  p = p + labs(color = "Country")
  p = p + xlab("Year")
  p = p + ylab("Percent unemployed")
  p = p + ggtitle(title.s)
bwv988/eusocialr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:15 a.m.