
Defines functions gasket sierpinski text_current plot_current autoplot.ewing_substrate ggplot_ewing_substrate ewing_substrate tridist cardist tri2car tri2car.default car2tri car2tri.default rtri

Documented in autoplot.ewing_substrate ewing_substrate ggplot_ewing_substrate

## $Id: triangle.R,v 0.9 2002/12/09 yandell@stat.wisc.edu Exp $
## Functions for Bland Ewing's modeling.
##     Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Brian S. Yandell.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
## later version.
## These functions are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## The text of the GNU General Public License, version 2, is available
## as http://www.gnu.org/copyleft or by writing to the Free Software
## Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## rtri( n, width )
## plot.current( x, species )
## text.current( x, species )
### Tridiagonal Coordinate System
rtri <- function( n, width, tri = matrix(0,3,n), roundoff = TRUE )
  tri <- as.matrix( tri )
  if( n == 1 ) {
    xy <- stats::runif( 2, 0, width )
    if( roundoff )
      xy <- round( xy )

    i <- sample( 3, 1  )
    i1 <- 1 + i%%3
    i2 <- 1 + (i+1)%%3
    tri[i1,] <- tri[i1,] + xy[1]
    tri[i2,] <- tri[i2,] - xy[2]
    tri[i,] <- - ( tri[i1,] + tri[i2,] )
    return( tri )
  else {
    xy <- data.frame( x = stats::runif( n, 0, width ),
      y = - stats::runif( n, 0, width ))
    if( roundoff )
      xy <- round( xy )

    out <- sample( 3, n, replace = TRUE )
    for( i in 1:3 ) {
      outi <- out == i
      if( any( outi )) {
        i1 <- 1 + i%%3
        i2 <- 1 + (i+1)%%3
        tri[i1,outi] <- tri[i1,outi] + xy$x[outi]
        tri[i2,outi] <- tri[i2,outi] + xy$y[outi]
        tri[i,outi] <- - ( tri[i1,outi] + tri[i2,outi] )
car2tri.default <- function(x,y)
  car2tri( rbind( x, y ))
car2tri <- function( xy, xmult = ( 2 + sq3 ) / 4, ymult = ( 3 + 2 * sq3 ) / 12,
  sq3 = sqrt( 3 ))
#  if( !is.matrix( xy ))
#    xy <- t( as.matrix( xy ))
  aa <- xmult * xy[,1] - ymult * xy[,2]
  bb <- - xmult * xy[,1] - ymult * xy[,2]
  cc <- -( aa + bb )
  rbind( a = aa, b = bb, c = cc )
tri2car.default <- function(aa,bb,cc=-(aa+bb))
  tri2car( rbind( aa, bb, cc ))
tri2car <- function(tri, xmult = 2 / ( 2 + sq3 ), ymult = 6 / ( 3 + 2 * sq3 ),
  sq3 = sqrt( 3 ))
  if( !is.matrix( tri ))
    tri <- as.matrix( tri )
  x <- ( tri[1,] - tri[2,] ) * xmult
  y <- - ( tri[1,] + tri[2,] ) * ymult
  data.frame( x = x, y = y )
cardist <- function( xy )
  sqrt( xy[,1]^2 + xy[,2]^2 )
tridist <- function( tri )
  apply( tri, 1, max )
#' Ewing Substrate by Species
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
ewing_substrate <- function( community,
                          headstuff = c( 0, "start", sum( to.plot )),
                          units = getOrgFeature( community, species, "units" ),
                          right = species, adj = c(0,.5,1),
                          show_sub = substrates,
                          step = 0,
  ## plot current stages for species (except random parasites)
  organism <- get.species( community, species )[,-1]
  if(is.null(organism)) # species is not in community
  future = getOrgFuture( community, species, c("color","pch") )
  # Substrate names
  substrate <- getOrgFeature( community, species, "substrate")
  substrates <- names(getOrgInteract(community, substrate, substrate))
  # Convert triangular coordinates into Cartesian (xy) coordinates
  position = paste( "pos", letters[1:3], sep = "." )
  xy <- tri2car( organism[position,] )
  dat <- dplyr::filter(
      stage = organism["stage",],
      substrate = substrates[organism["sub.stage",]],
      pchar = as.character( future$pch[.data$stage] ),
      color = as.character( future$color[.data$stage] )),
    .data$substrate %in% show_sub)
  attr(dat, "species") <- species
  attr(dat, "step") <- step
  class(dat) <- c("ewing_substrate", class(dat))

#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes facet_grid geom_text ggplot scale_color_manual xlab ylab
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct
#' @rdname ewing_substrate
#' @export
ggplot_ewing_substrate <- function(object,
                                   xlab = "horizontal", ylab = "vertical",
  # Allows same color for different pchar, but only one color per pchar.
  tmp <- dplyr::distinct(
    dplyr::distinct(object, .data$pchar, .data$color),
    .data$pchar, .keep_all = TRUE)
  col.palate <- tmp$color
  names(col.palate) <- tmp$pchar
  species <- attr(object, "species")
  step <- attr(object, "step")
  ggplot2::ggplot(object) +
    ggplot2::aes(.data$x, .data$y, label = .data$pchar, col = .data$pchar) +
    ggplot2::geom_text() +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(. ~ substrate) +
    ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +
    ggplot2::ylab(ylab) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Stage", values = col.palate) + 
    ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(species, "on substrate at", step, "steps"))
#' @export
#' @rdname ewing_substrate
#' @method autoplot ewing_substrate
autoplot.ewing_substrate <- function(object, ...)
  ggplot_ewing_substrate(object, ...)
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics lines mtext par text
plot_current <- function( x,
                         col = as.character( future$color[stage] ),
                         headstuff = c( 0, "start", sum( to.plot )),
                         units = getOrgFeature( x, species, "units" ),
                         right = species, adj = c(0,.5,1),
                         position = paste( "pos", letters[1:3], sep = "." ),
                         pch = as.character( future$pch[stage] ), cex = 0.5,
                         stage = organism["stage",],
                         xlab = "horizontal", ylab = "vertical",
                         future = getOrgFuture( x, species, c("color","pch") ),...)
  ## plot current stages for species (except random parasites)
  organism <- get.species( x, species )[,-1]

  tmp <- tri2car( organism[position,] )
  xlim <- range( c( 0, 1.1 * tmp$x ))
  ylim <- range( c( 0, 1.1 * tmp$y ))

  plot( tmp$x, tmp$y, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab )
  for( i in levels( future$color )) {
    u <- i == col
    if( any( u ))
      graphics::text( tmp$x[u], tmp$y[u], pch[u], col = i, cex = cex )  
  usr <- graphics::par( "usr" )[1:2]
  usr <- c(usr[1],mean(usr),usr[2])
  graphics::mtext( c( units, "future event", right ), 3, 1.5, at = usr, adj = adj )
  to.plot <- 0 # not sure what this is
  graphics::mtext( headstuff, 3, 0.5, at = usr, adj = adj )
  invisible( usr )
#' @export
text_current <- function( x, species,
  col = as.character( future$color[stage] ),
  pch = as.character( future$pch[stage] ), cex = 0.5,
  position = paste( "pos", letters[1:3], sep = "." ),
  stage = organism["stage",],
  future = getOrgFuture( x, species, c("color","pch") ),...)
  organism <- as.matrix( get.species( x, species ))[,-1]
  tmp <- tri2car( organism[position,] )
  graphics::text( tmp$x, tmp$y, pch, col = col, cex = cex )
#' @export
sierpinski <- function( stage = 5, reset = TRUE )
  if( reset )
    tmpar <- graphics::par( pty = "s", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", omi = rep(0,4),
      mar = rep(0,4) )
  aa <- 0:1
  bb <- - aa
  for( i in seq( stage )) {
    tmp <- gasket( aa, bb )
    aa <- tmp$aa
    bb <- tmp$bb
    tri <- tri2car.default( aa, bb )
    r <- range( unlist( tri ))
    plot( r, r, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "" )
    graphics::lines(tri )
    graphics::mtext( paste( "(", letters[1+i], ") Gasket of Order ", i, sep = "" ), 3, -2 )
#    graphics::mtext( paste( "Gasket of order", i ), 3, -2 )
  if( reset )
    graphics::par( tmpar )
  invisible( tri )
gasket <- function( aa, bb )
  n <- length( aa )
  pp <- c(-1,1,0,1)
  dda <- diff( aa )
  ddb <- diff( bb )
  ss <- sign( sign( dda ) - sign( ddb ))
  dda <- 2 - abs( dda )
  ddb <- 2 - abs( ddb )
  aa <- 2 * aa
  aa <- c( aa[1], rbind( aa[-n] + pp[dda+1+ss], aa[-1] + pp[dda+1-ss], aa[-1] ))
  bb <- 2 * bb
  bb <- c( bb[1], rbind( bb[-n] + pp[ddb+1-ss], bb[-1] + pp[ddb+1+ss], bb[-1] ))
  data.frame( aa = aa, bb = bb )
byandell/ewing documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 7:27 p.m.