
Defines functions autoplot.scan1coef ggplot_coefCC ggplot_coef_internal ggplot_coef

Documented in autoplot.scan1coef ggplot_coef ggplot_coefCC

#' Plot QTL effects along chromosome
#' Plot estimated QTL effects along a chromosomes.
#' @param object Estimated QTL effects ("coefficients") as obtained from
#' \code{\link[qtl2]{scan1coef}}.
#' @param map A list of vectors of marker positions, as produced by
#' \code{\link[qtl2]{insert_pseudomarkers}}.
#' @param columns Vector of columns to plot
#' @param col Vector of colors, same length as \code{columns}. If
#' NULL, some default choices are made.
#' @param scan1_output If provided, we make a two-panel plot with
#' coefficients on top and LOD scores below. Should have just one LOD
#' score column; if multiple, only the first is used.
#' @param gap Gap between chromosomes.
#' @param ylim y-axis limits. If \code{NULL}, we use the range of the plotted
#' coefficients.
#' @param bgcolor Background color for the plot.
#' @param altbgcolor Background color for alternate chromosomes.
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param xlim x-axis limits. If \code{NULL}, we use the range of the plotted
#' coefficients.
#' @param colors Colors to use for plotting.
#' @param ... Additional graphics parameters.
#' @return object of class \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics layout par
#' @importFrom grid grid.layout grid.newpage pushViewport viewport
#' @importFrom qtl2 align_scan1_map max_scan1
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange desc
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme element_blank geom_vline
#' @details
#' \code{ggplot_coefCC()} is the same as \code{ggplot_coef()}, but forcing
#' \code{columns=1:8} and using the Collaborative Cross colors,
#' \code{\link[qtl2]{CCcolors}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggplot_scan1}}, \code{\link{ggplot_snpasso}}
#' @examples
#' # read data
#' iron <- qtl2::read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "iron.zip", package="qtl2"))
#' # insert pseudomarkers into map
#' map <- qtl2::insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=1)
#' # calculate genotype probabilities
#' probs <- qtl2::calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002)
#' # grab phenotypes and covariates; ensure that covariates have names attribute
#' pheno <- iron$pheno[,1]
#' covar <- match(iron$covar$sex, c("f", "m")) # make numeric
#' names(covar) <- rownames(iron$covar)
#' # calculate coefficients for chromosome 7
#' coef <- qtl2::scan1coef(probs[,7], pheno, addcovar=covar)
#' # plot QTL effects
#' ggplot2::autoplot(coef, map[7], columns=1:3)
ggplot_coef <-
    function(object, map, columns = NULL, col = NULL, scan1_output = NULL,
             gap = 25, ylim = NULL,
             bgcolor = "gray90", altbgcolor = "gray85",
             ylab = "QTL effects",
             xlim = NULL,
    if(is.null(map)) stop("map is NULL")
    if(!is.list(map)) map <- list(" " = map) # if a vector, treat it as a list with no names
    # align scan1 output and map
    tmp <- qtl2::align_scan1_map(object, map)
    object <- tmp$scan1
    map <- tmp$map
    if(nrow(object) != length(unlist(map)))
      stop("nrow(object) [", nrow(object), "] != number of positions in map [",
           length(unlist(map)), "]")
    if(!is.null(scan1_output)) { # call internal function for both coef and LOD
      return(ggplot_coef_and_lod(object, map, columns, col, scan1_output,
                                 gap, ylim, bgcolor, altbgcolor, ylab,
                                 xlim = xlim,

    ggplot_coef_internal(object, map, columns, ylim, xlim, col, gap,
                       bgcolor, altbgcolor = altbgcolor, ylab, ...)

ggplot_coef_internal <- function(object, map, columns, ylim, xlim, col, gap,
                               bgcolor, altbgcolor, ylab,
                               legend.position = "right",
                               legend.title = "geno",
                               maxpos = NULL, maxcol = 1,
                               scales = "free",
                               center = TRUE,
                               colors = if(ncol(object) > 7) qtl2::CCcolors else NULL,
                               ...) {
  ## Change names and colors if used.
  all_columns <- NULL
  if(!is.null(colors)) {
    all_columns <- seq_along(colors)
    if(is.null(columns)) {
      columns <- seq_along(colors)
    if(is.null(col)) {
      col <- colors[columns]
    if(is.null(names(col))) {
      names(col) <- dimnames(object)[[2]][columns]
    } else {
      dimnames(object)[[2]][columns] <- names(col)[seq_along(columns)]
    columns <- 1:ncol(object)
    all_columns <- columns
  # Center coef on mean per locus if TRUE
  if(center) {
    col_mean <- apply(unclass(object)[, all_columns, drop=FALSE], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    object[, columns] <- unclass(object)[,columns,drop=FALSE] - col_mean
  if(!is.null(ylim)) {
    # Winsorize data limits
    object <- apply(object, 2,
               function(x, ylim) pmin(pmax(x, ylim[1], na.rm = TRUE),
                                      ylim[2], na.rm = TRUE),
  if(!is.null(xlim)) {
      map1 <- map[[1]]
      map1 <- map
    wh <- range(which(map1 >= xlim[1] & map1 <= xlim[2]))
    wh[1] <- max(1, wh[1] - 1)
    wh[2] <- min(length(map1), wh[2] - 1)
    xlim <- map1[wh]
  lodcolumn <- columns # in case this is passed along from plot_coef_and_lod
  p <- ggplot_scan1(object, map, lodcolumn=lodcolumn, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim,
                  col=col, gap=gap,
                  bgcolor=bgcolor, altbgcolor = altbgcolor,
                  legend.position = legend.position,
                  legend.title = legend.title,
                  scales = scales,
  if(!is.null(maxpos)) {
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = maxpos,
                                   col = maxcol)

#' @export
#' @rdname ggplot_coef
ggplot_coefCC <- function(object, map, 
                          colors = qtl2::CCcolors, ...) {
  ncols <- seq_along(colors)
  assertthat::assert_that(dim(object)[2] >= length(ncols))
  dimnames(object)[[2]][ncols] <- names(colors)
  ggplot_coef(object, map, ncols, colors, ...)

#' @export
#' @export autoplot.scan1coef
#' @method autoplot scan1coef
#' @rdname ggplot_coef
#' @importFrom ggplot2 autoplot
autoplot.scan1coef <- function(object, ...) {
  ggplot_coef(object, ...)
byandell/qtl2ggplot documentation built on March 18, 2024, 8:54 a.m.