
Defines functions quickContext

quickContext <- function(chromosome, gen_cord, strand, 
                         referenceDnaStringSet, varType, 
    ## Get the surrounding reference sequence
    upborder <- 50
    downborder <- 50
    ## In case of an deletion, get longer sequence from reference
    ## Get the surrounding reference sequence
    sequence_range <- getReferenceSequence(chromosome = chromosome, 
                                           indexCoordinate = gen_cord,
                                           upRange = upborder, downRange = downborder, 
                                           strand = strand, referenceDnaStringSet)
    ## Sequence range
    general_cords_ref <- c((gen_cord-upborder) : (gen_cord+downborder))
    if(strand == "-1") general_cords_ref <- rev(c((gen_cord-downborder) : (gen_cord+upborder)))
    ## In case of a deletion widen the sequence range 
    ## in both directions by half of the deletion length
    if(varType == "DEL"){
        halfDelLengthBT <- deletion_length%%2
        halfDelLength <- floor(deletion_length/2)
        downborder <- downborder + halfDelLength
        upborder <- upborder + halfDelLength+halfDelLengthBT
    ## Get the surrounding reference sequence
    sequence_range2 <- getReferenceSequence(chromosome = chromosome, 
                                            indexCoordinate = gen_cord,
                                            upRange = upborder, downRange = downborder, 
                                            strand = strand, referenceDnaStringSet)
    ## Store sequence
    surroundingSeq  <- sequence_range
    alter <-  strsplit(sequence_range2, "")[[1]]
    ## Sequence range
    general_cords <- c((gen_cord-upborder) : (gen_cord+downborder))
    if(strand == "-1") general_cords <- rev(c((gen_cord-downborder) : (gen_cord+upborder)))
    varPoint <- which(general_cords %in% gen_cord)
    ## Depending on variation type insert alternative sequence at position
    if(varType == "SNV" | varType == "DUP" ) alter[varPoint] <- altNuc
    if(varType == "DEL") alter[varPoint:(varPoint+deletion_length-1)] <- ""
    if(varType == "INS") alter[varPoint] <- paste0(alter[varPoint], altNuc)
    ## Alter coordinates
    if(varType == "DUP") general_cords[varPoint] <- paste(general_cords[varPoint], collapse="")
    if(varType == "DEL") general_cords[varPoint:(varPoint+deletion_length-1)] <- ""
    if(varType == "INS") general_cords[varPoint] <- paste(rep(general_cords[varPoint],
                                                              insertion_length), collapse="")
    ## Save alternative sequence
    altSurroundingSeq <-  paste(alter, collapse="")
    ## Trim sequence in case of insertions or duplications
    if(varType == "INS"){
        if(insertion_length == 1){
            altSurroundingSeq <- substr(altSurroundingSeq, 2, nchar(altSurroundingSeq) )
            his <- ceiling(insertion_length/2)
            altSurroundingSeq <- substr(altSurroundingSeq, 1+his, nchar(altSurroundingSeq)-his )
    if(varType == "DUP") altSurroundingSeq <- substr(altSurroundingSeq, 2, nchar(altSurroundingSeq) )
    ## Alter coordinates a second time
    if(varType == "DUP") general_cords <- general_cords[-1]
    if(varType == "INS"){
        if(insertion_length == 1){
            general_cords <- general_cords[-1]
            his <- ceiling(insertion_length/2)
            general_cords <- general_cords[1+his, length(general_cords)-his]
    general_cords <- general_cords[general_cords != ""]

    ## Calcualte Delta HZEI
    surroundingSeqHZEI <- calculateHZEIint(surroundingSeq)
    altSurroundingSeqHZEI <- calculateHZEIint(altSurroundingSeq)
    surroundingSeqHzeiDIFF <- altSurroundingSeqHZEI - surroundingSeqHZEI
           paste(general_cords_ref, collapse = " "),
           paste(general_cords, collapse = " ")))
caggtaagtat/snpsEvaluation documentation built on April 30, 2022, 11:26 p.m.