
#' Create age mixing matrices for the desired age groups. 
#' @description Uses the best estimates from "Revisiting Assumptions about Age-Based Mixing Representations in Mathematical Models of Sexually Transmitted Infection" (Easterly, et al., 2018) to define male and female age mixing matrices for the supplied age groups.
#' @param start_ages A numeric vector, where the ith entry is the youngest age in the ith age group. The youngest age must be greater than 12, because data for younger ages was not estimated.
#' @param max_age The oldest age in the model population. The oldest age group will include the ages from \code{max(start_age)} to \code{max_age - 1}
#' @param age_distribution A length 99 vector with the proportion of in the population who is ages 1,2,3,..., 99.
#' @details 
#' The function takes the best estimates from "Revisiting Assumptions about Age-Based Mixing Representations in Mathematical Models of STIs" and adapts them to user-supplied age groups.
#' If a population other than the U.K. population is used, an age distribution for that population is needed.
#' This is needed to 'average' probabilities within an age group, by using the law of total probability. 
#' The probability of someone in age group \eqn{i} choosing someone in age group \eqn{j} is 
#' \deqn{Pr(P = j | C = i) = \sum Pr(P = j | C = k) Pr(C = k) }
#' where the sum is taken over \eqn{k} in the set of ages in age group \eqn{i}.
#' The full population age distribution is used to calculate the probability that
#' someone within age group \eqn{i} has age \eqn{k}.
#' @return A list with the elements \code{MOME} and \code{FOME} (male and female 'omega'), both matrices with a row and column for each age group. The row and column names indicate the starting age of the age group. For example, the entry \code{MOME[i, j]} is the probability that a man in age group i chooses a woman of age group j as a partner, and the entry \code{MOME["53", "54"]} is the probability that a 53-year-old man chooses a 54-year-old woman as a partner (assuming single-year age groups).
#' @export
define_age_group_matrix <- function(start_ages,
                                    max_age = 74,
                                    age_distribution = NULL){

    # define the list of age group vectors
    age_group_list <- def_age_group_list(start_ages, max_age)

    # define minimum (start age of youngest model group)
    # and max model ages (start age of oldest model group)
    min_age <- min(start_ages)
    # check on min age
    if (min_age < 12){
        stop('min(start_ages) must be greater than or equal to 12.')

    # if age distribution is null, bring in uk life table data
    if (is.null(age_distribution)){
        age_distribution <- calculate_single_year_age_distribution(min_age, max_age)

    n_age <- length(start_ages)
    MOME <- FOME <- matrix(0, n_age, n_age)
    for (i in 1:n_age){
        # collapse probabilities within same age group
        chooser_age_list <- age_group_list[[i]]
        chooser_indices <- chooser_age_list - 11 # start age in natsal estimates is 12, so subtract 11
        age_dist_indices <- chooser_age_list - (min_age - 1)
        # get distribution within chooser age group
        dist_chsage_group <- age_distribution[age_dist_indices]/
        for (j in 1:n_age) {
            partner_age_list <- age_group_list[[j]]
            partner_indices <- partner_age_list - 11
            if (length(partner_age_list) > 1) {
                # get probability of each age in group i choosing group j
                # the drop = FALSE prevents coercion to vector if chooser indices is length 1
                summed_across_rows_M <- rowSums(natsal_estimates$MOME[chooser_indices, partner_indices, drop = FALSE])
                summed_across_rows_F <- rowSums(natsal_estimates$FOME[chooser_indices, partner_indices, drop = FALSE])
            } else {
                # no need to do rowSums, because only one column
                summed_across_rows_M <- natsal_estimates$MOME[chooser_indices, partner_indices]
                summed_across_rows_F <- natsal_estimates$FOME[chooser_indices, partner_indices]
            # use law of total probability to calculate the probability that anybody in group i chooses group j
            MOME[i, j] <- summed_across_rows_M %*% dist_chsage_group
            FOME[i, j] <- summed_across_rows_F %*% dist_chsage_group
        # if age group list didn't include 1 to 99 (which it probably didn't)
        # we need to normalize the rows to 1
        MOME[i, ] <- MOME[i, ] / sum(MOME[i, ])
        FOME[i, ] <- FOME[i, ] / sum(FOME[i, ])
    # add row and column names
    dimnames(MOME) <- dimnames(FOME) <- list(start_ages, start_ages)
    return(list(MOME = MOME, FOME = FOME))
caleb-easterly/mixage documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:25 p.m.