
Defines functions SEMeff

Documented in SEMeff

#' @title  SEM Effects23
#' @description R functions for summarize effects from strucutal equation models.
#' @param local Set here the path of directory where the results of  THRGIBBS* and GIBBS* are. If you are using the command setwd() to change the directory, you don't need to use this parameter.
#' @param SEMplot It is a logical name, indicating if the SEM plot should be created.

#' @return Mean and SD for each covariate in the SEM model.
#' @export SEMeff
#' @import igraph
SEMeff <- function(local=setwd(), SEMplot=TRUE){
  traits=read.table("renf90.par", header=FALSE, skip=4, nrows =1)[1,1]
  renf90 <- read.table("renf90.par", sep="$", colClasses="character")
  PostMean <- read.table("postmean", sep="$", colClasses="character")
  Rpos    <- grep("RANDOM_RESIDUAL VALUES", t(renf90))
  postR   <- grep("R matrix", t(PostMean))
  Gpos <- grep("VARIANCES", t(renf90))
  postG   <- grep("G matrix for effect", t(PostMean))
  renfSEM <- renf90
  renfSEM[(Gpos+1):(Gpos+traits),] <- PostMean[(postG+1):(postG+traits),]
  renfSEM[(Rpos+1):(Rpos+traits),] <- PostMean[(postR+1):(postR+traits),]
  write.table(renfSEM,  file="renfSEM.par",  row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F)
  write.table(c("OPTION fixed_var all 1 2"), "renfSEM.par",  row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F, append=T)
  cat(5500, 500,"\n")
  write.table("gibbs2f90.exe < renfSEM",   file="gibbs2SEM.bat",   row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F)
  gibbs2SEM <- data.frame(renum=capture.output(system("gibbs2SEM.bat", intern=TRUE)))
  Effects <- read.table("final_solutions", header=F, skip=1)
  Effects <- Effects[Effects[,5]>0,c(1,2,4,5)]
  colnames(Effects) <- c("Trait","Covariate","Mean", "SD")
    AdjMat <- matrix(0, nrow=max(Effects$Trait), ncol = max(Effects$Trait))
    for(i in 1:nrow(Effects)){
      AdjMat[Effects[i,1],Effects[i,2]] <- Effects[i,3]
    AdjMat <- graph.adjacency(t(AdjMat), mode="directed", weighted=TRUE)
    plot(AdjMat, edge.label=round(E(AdjMat)$weight, 3))
camult/easyGEN documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 11:59 a.m.