Man pages for cancerpolicy/bcimodel
Model the impact of early detection and treatment interventions for breast cancer

add_featuresAdd features like stage and tumor type to an initialized...
allmortratesFormat life table data from IHME or other source
bciratesFormat female breast cancer incidence rates from SEER or...
build_simpopBuild a simulated population by bootstrapping from a list
calc_ac_lifespanGenerate an age at other-cause death from a lifetable
calc_ac_lifespan_popUse the individual calc_ac_lifespan function to estimate...
calcarrCalculate absolute risk reduction
calcmrrCalculate mortality rate ratios
check_scenariosCheck accurate specification of 'scenarios' parameter to...
compile_longCompile results long
compile_naturalhistCreates a 'naturalhist' object that describes key natural...
create_stageshift_mapCreates a "map" of how the stage shift will be applied
cumincTally cumulative incidence of cancer
cummortTally cumulative incidence of cancer mortality
cumsurv_to_exprateConvert survivals to rates
cumyearsTally years lived within a follow-up period
format_ageConvert age-group population sizes to population proportions
format_boundsFormat bounds for reporting
format_bounds_listReturn bounds for each element of the list Options are:...
initialize_popInitialize a FEMALE population with an age structure, dates...
interpolate_cumsurvCompute cumulative event-free survival curve for single-year...
paradd_featuresAdd features like stage and tumor type to an initialized...
parinitialize_popInitialize a FEMALE population with an age structure, dates...
parsim_multinomSimulate from mutinomial, parallelized
parsimpoliciesSame as simpolicies but calling parallelized sub-functions
parsim_treatment_by_subgroupSimulate treatment by subgroups - parallelized Given the...
partreatments_by_policyUse sim_treatment_by_subgroup to simulate treatments,...
plot_ratesPlot the data in the incidence database
plot_resultsPlot results Select on measures and panel them. Group on f-u...
rate_to_cumsurvGiven event rates, compute cumulative survival
returnstat4matrixCompute mean and/or quantiles Return mean, lower, or upper...
return_value_from_idLook up the value that corresponds to a numeric ID
rexp_matrixSim from exponential given rates in matrix form
running_productReturn running product of a vector, for computing cumulative...
shift_stagesUse indicator of stage shift to change Advanced to Early...
shifttreatment_indicatorCreate indicator of whether treatment should be re-simulated
sim_clinical_incidenceUse sim_KM to efficiently simulate ages at clinical incidence...
sim_KMReturns random deviates from a survival curve
sim_multinomSimulate a category assignment using a multinomial...
simpoliciesRun the model for a series of policies and compare outcomes...
sim_treatment_by_subgroupSimulate treatment by subgroups Given the proportions of...
stageshift_indicatorSim indicator of stageshift from binomial
timetocancerdeath_by_policySim time to cancer death based on policy guidelines
treatments_by_policyUse sim_treatment_by_subgroup to simulate treatments
update_time_stageshiftFor stage-shifted cases in an early detection scenario,...
update_treat_stageshiftFor stage-shifted cases in an early detection scenario,...
cancerpolicy/bcimodel documentation built on June 30, 2019, 12:39 a.m.