Man pages for cannin/tumorcomparer
Compare Patient Samples to Cell Line Models Using Molecular Data and Weighted Similarity

ballon_plot_data_to_result_tableTransforms data frame of balloon plot into data frame with...
calc_weighted_corrCalculate weighted correlation
categorize_cell_linesCategorize cell lines by the level of similarity to k-nearest...
compute_freq_altComputes frequency of alteration (fraction of non-zeroes)
convert_to_0_to_1_using_xminusmin_by_maxminusminRescale between 0-1
cyj_graph_maker_from_dist_matCreates cytoscape.js JSON graph from distance matrix for...
generate_composite_mat_and_gene_weightsRun a comparison between between two cohorts (e.g. cell lines...
graphNELtoJSONConvert R graphNEL object to cytoscape.js JSON.
keep_only_high_level_cnasKeep only high-level CNAs (set low-level CNAs to 0)
make_balloon_plot_data_from_comparison_resultMake Balloon Plot Data from Run Comparison Function
make_balloon_plot_data_from_mtcMake Balloon Plot from MTC Data structure
map_mean_similarity_to_gradientMap mean similarity of cell lines to k nearest tumors to...
pair_distCalculate a weighted distance (between two vectors) based on...
plot_balloon_plotMake Balloon Plot for Results
plot_joyplotMake Joy Plots for Distributions for Similarity Distributions
plot_mdsPlot the results from run_comparison as a two dimension...
return_first_partReturn first part of ID for CCLE cell line names
run_comparisonRun a comparison between two cohorts (e.g. cell lines and...
run_comparison_config_listRun a comparison between two cohorts (e.g. cell lines and...
run_shiny_appRun Shiny App
tcga_pancan_pathway_genesGenes for TCGA Pan-Cancer Pathways
tc_geneset_comparisonGene Set Comparison Function for TCGA Dataset
ticStarts a stopwatch timer to measure performance
tocStops a stopwatch timer to measure performance
cannin/tumorcomparer documentation built on Feb. 7, 2023, 3:13 p.m.