
# CSV download handler
output$dlCSV <- downloadHandler(
  filename = function() { 
    ts <- gsub(' |-|:', '', as.character(Sys.time()))
    paste0('output_', ts, '.csv')
  content = function(file) {
    write.csv(manAggDataset(), file, row.names=F)

# file output
output$dlPlotHandler <- downloadHandler(
  filename = function() {
    ts <- gsub(' |-|:', '', as.character(Sys.time()))
    paste0('output_', ts, input$fileType)
  content = function(file) {
    # Prepare file parameters for download
    # Local variables assigned because updateNumericInput() execution takes places after
    # the completion of the calling function (ie. the updates will not be made in time for
    # the call to ggsave() and must be resolved locally)
    inputWidth <- input$fileWidth
    inputHeight <- input$fileHeight
    inputDPI <- input$fileDPI
    fileDefault <- getFileDefault()
    if (inputWidth < 0 || inputWidth > fileDefault$widthMax 
        || !is.numeric(inputWidth)) {
      updateNumericInput(session, "fileWidth", value=fileDefault$width)
      inputWidth <- fileDefault$width
    if (inputHeight < 0 || inputHeight > fileDefault$heightMax 
        || !is.numeric(inputHeight)) {
      updateNumericInput(session, "fileHeight", value=fileDefault$height)
      inputHeight <- fileDefault$height
    if (inputDPI < 0 || inputDPI > fileDefault$DPIMax || !is.numeric(inputDPI)) {
      updateNumericInput(session, "fileDPI", value=fileDefault$DPI)
      inputHeight <- fileDefault$DPI
    if (plotTypes() == 'pairs') {
      dev <- ggplot2:::plot_dev(NULL, file, inputDPI)
      dev(file=file, width=inputWidth, height=inputHeight)
    } else
      ggsave(file, plot=buildPlot(), width=inputWidth, height=inputHeight, 
           units="in", dpi=inputDPI)

# register the final dataset to be used upon AJAX call from UI
action <- reactive({DT::dataTableAjax(session, aggDf())})
cargomoose/ggraptR documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:02 a.m.