Man pages for carmencita/CHIC
Quality Control Pipeline for ChIP-Seq Data

chicWrapperChIC analysis in one command
createMetageneProfileWrapper function to create scaled and non-scaled...
downsample_ChIPpeaksFunction for downsampling peaks in ChIP-data to simulate...
getCrossCorrelationScoresQC-metrics from cross-correlation profile, phantom peak and...
getPeakCallingScoresCalculating QC-values from peak calling procedure
listAvailableElementsShows available chromatin marks and factors
listDatasetsLists the IDs of samples included in the compendium
listMetricsLists the metrics available in the compendium
metagenePlotsForComparisonFunction to create metage plots for comparison
plotReferenceDistributionFunction to create reference distribution plot for comparison
predictionScorePredict score
qualityScores_EMWrapper function to calculate EM metrics
qualityScores_GMWrapper function to calculate GM metrics from global read...
qualityScores_LMWrapper function that plots non-scaled profiles for TSS of...
qualityScores_LMgenebodyWrapper function to plot the scaled metagene- profile and to...
readBamFileRead bam file
removeLocalTagAnomaliesRemoves loval anomalies
tagDensitySmoothed tag density
carmencita/CHIC documentation built on May 2, 2021, 5:09 p.m.