unique_names <- function(x, name_vec) {
unique_names.priors <- function(x, name_vec) {
# Parameter Name formats
expected_fmt <- "V%s"
gsub_pattern <- "(^V)([0-9]+)"
# Build names
names <- .build_names(things_list = x, provided_names = name_vec, fmt = expected_fmt, pattern = gsub_pattern)
unique_names.targets <- function(x, name_vec) {
# Target Name formats
expected_fmt <- "T%s"
gsub_pattern <- "(^T)([0-9]+)"
# Add group name to name vec for names that appear as both group and target names
group_names <- attr(x, "groups")
group_targs <- attr(x, "grouped")
if (!is.null(group_names) && any(group_targs)) {
# Handle group names
name_vec <- ifelse(
!is.na(group_names) & !is.na(name_vec) & (duplicated(name_vec, fromLast = TRUE) | duplicated(name_vec, fromLast = FALSE)),
paste(name_vec, group_names, sep = "_"), # Grouped targets
name_vec # Non-grouped targets
# Build names
names <- .build_names(things_list = x, provided_names = name_vec, fmt = expected_fmt, pattern = gsub_pattern)
# Don't allow target and group names to have the same value
if (any(names %in% group_names)) { stop("Targets and Target Groups cannot share a name.") }
unique_names.groups <- function(x, name_vec) {
# Group Name formats
expected_fmt <- "G%s"
gsub_pattern <- "(^G)([0-9]+)"
# Build names
names <- .build_names(things_list = x, provided_names = name_vec, fmt = expected_fmt, pattern = gsub_pattern)
.build_names <- function(things_list, provided_names, fmt, pattern) {
current_names <- names(things_list)
if (is.null(current_names)) {
# Initialize name list
current_names <- rep("", length(things_list))
# Find parameters with an assigned name
has_names <- !is.na(provided_names)
current_names[has_names] <- provided_names[has_names]
} else {
# Special cases to handle when names are being used
multi_names <- names(things_list) != "" & !is.na(provided_names)
no_names <- names(things_list) == "" & is.na(provided_names)
one_name <- !multi_names & !no_names
# One name specified using list element
current_names[one_name & current_names == ""] <- provided_names[one_name & current_names == ""]
# Names specified using both naming methods - use name specified within function
current_names[multi_names] <- provided_names[multi_names]
# Create final list of unique names
if (any(current_names == "")) {
# Generate unique names for objects that need names
PickOut <- which(current_names == "")
newnew <- sprintf(fmt, PickOut)
# If any names already match the format our new names
if (any(newnew %in% current_names)) {
# Find the highest numeric value from the names that match our format
tmp <- gsub(pattern, "\\2", current_names)
tmp <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tmp))
tmp <- max(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
# Change the values we will generate new names with to start with the highest already used and move up from there
PickOut2 <- (tmp + 1):(tmp + length(PickOut))
} else {
PickOut2 <- PickOut
current_names[PickOut] <- sprintf(fmt, PickOut2)
# Check for uniqueness
"Names must be unique." = length(current_names) == length(unique(current_names)),
"Object names must be syntactically valid R names - see '?make.names' for more details" = all(current_names %in% make.names(current_names))
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