
Defines functions cp_counter rxyfmt tag_section

OUR_TAGS <- c(

# Not in function
`%nin%` <- Negate("%in%")

# grab the header and make it the tag header
tag_section <- function(x) {
  xx <- strsplit(x$raw, "\n")
  body <- paste0(xx[[1]][-1], collapse = "\n")
  x$val <- c(head = trimws(xx[[1]][1]), body = body)

rxyfmt <- function(x) {
  head <- if (x$val["head"] == "") "" else paste0("## ", x$val["head"], "\n")
  paste(head, x$val["body"])

# Internal counter function
cp_counter <- function(prefix = "dovetail-chunk-") {
  n <- 0
  prefix <- prefix
  kenv <- knitr::knit_global()
  function(reset = FALSE) {
    if (n == 0) {
      # assign the knitr environment
      kenv <<- knitr::knit_global()
    RESET <- n > 0 && (reset || !identical(kenv, knitr::knit_global()))

    if (RESET) {
      n <<- 1L * as.integer(!reset) # if reset is triggered, go back to zero
      kenv <<- knitr::knit_global()
    } else {
      n <<- n + 1L
    return(paste0(prefix, n))

dove_chunk_label <- cp_counter()
carpentries/dovetail documentation built on Sept. 23, 2021, 9:35 p.m.