
Defines functions rrf.times

Documented in rrf.times

#' @title Estimate relative node times.
#' @description This function estimates relative node times from a branch length tree using the relative rate framework (RRF).
#' @param tree.name a file name of the branch length tree that is in the Newick format.
#' @param outgroup a character list containing names of tips belonging to the rooting outgroup, which will be removed in the calculation. If outgroup = "" (the default), the input tree must be rooted and no tips will be removed.
#' @param filename a file name specified for the output files.
#' @return A table of relative node times (<filename>_RRF_times.csv).
#' @examples # Please download the "example.nwk" from https://github.com/cathyqqtao/RRF/tree/main/data.
#' @examples rrf.times(tree.name = "example.nwk", outgroup = c("Ornithorhynchus_anatinus", "Zaglossus_bruijni", "Tachyglossus_aculeatus"), filename = "example")
#' @author Qiqing Tao (qiqing.tao@temple.edu) and Sudhir Kumar
#' @references K. Tamura et al. Mol. Biol. Evol. (2018) 35:1770-1782. doi:10.1093/molbev/msy044.
#' @import ape
#' @importFrom phangorn Descendants
#' @export

rrf.times <- function(tree.name = "", outgroup = "", filename = ""){

  ################# check required packages ##############
  if (!library("ape",logical.return = TRUE)){
    stop("'ape' package not found, please install it to run rrf.times.")
  if (!library("phangorn",logical.return = TRUE)){
    stop("'phangorn' package not found, please install it to run rrf.times.")

  ################# check brach length tree and outgroup #########
  ## check outgroups
  t <- ape::read.tree(tree.name)

  suppressWarnings(if (outgroup != ""){
    for (i in 1:length(outgroup)){
      if(is.na(match(outgroup[i], t$tip.label)) == TRUE){
        stop(paste("Outgroup \"",outgroup[i], "\" is not found. Please check.",sep=''))

  ## check whether branch length tree is binary
  if(ape::is.binary(t) == FALSE){
    stop("Only binary trees are allowed. Please remove polytomies.")

  ######### calculate relative lineage rates and node times ##############

  #### get raw relative rates and node times ####

  suppressWarnings(if (outgroup != ""){
    t <- ape::root(t, outgroup, resolve.root = TRUE)
    t <- ape::drop.tip(t, outgroup)
    if (is.rooted(t) == FALSE){
      stop("Please provide a rooted tree or the names of tips in the rooting outgroup.")

  brlen <- t$edge.length

  RRF.mat <- matrix(data=NA, nrow = t$Nnode, ncol = 15)
  colnames(RRF.mat) <- c('NodeId', 'Des1', 'Des2', 'l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4', 'l5', 'l6', 'r5', 'r6', 'r5.adjust', 'r6.adjust', "t7", "t7.adjust")

  tips.num <- length(t$tip.label)
  RRF.mat[, 1] <- seq(tips.num+1, tips.num+t$Nnode, 1)

  for (nd in (tips.num+t$Nnode):(tips.num+1)){  # from the shallowest internal node to the root
    row.id <- match(nd, RRF.mat[, 1])

    des1 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, nd, 'children')[1]
    des2 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, nd, 'children')[2]
    RRF.mat[row.id, 2] <- as.integer(des1)
    RRF.mat[row.id, 3] <- as.integer(des2)

    if (des1 <= tips.num && des2 <= tips.num){ ## 2-clade case = des1 and 2 are tips
      l1 <- 0
      l2 <- 0
      l3 <- 0
      l4 <- 0
      l5 <- brlen[match(des1, t$edge[, 2])]
      l6 <- brlen[match(des2, t$edge[, 2])]

      RRF.mat[row.id, seq(4,9,1)] <- c(l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6)


    if (des1 > tips.num && des2 > tips.num){ ## 4-clade case
      des1.row.id <- match(des1, RRF.mat[, 1])
      des2.row.id <- match(des2, RRF.mat[, 1])

      l1 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 4]*RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 5])+RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 8]
      l2 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 6]*RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 7])+RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 9]
      l3 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 4]*RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 5])+RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 8]
      l4 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 6]*RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 7])+RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 9]
      l5 <- brlen[match(des1, t$edge[,2])]
      l6 <- brlen[match(des2, t$edge[,2])]

      r5 <- sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
      r6 <- sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)

      RRF.mat[row.id, seq(4,11,1)] <- c(l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r5,r6)

      t7 <- sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
      RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"] <- t7

      des1.des1 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des1, "children")[1]
      des1.des2 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des1, "children")[2]
      des2.des1 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des2, "children")[1]
      des2.des2 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des2, "children")[2]

      r1 <- sqrt(l1)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/(sqrt(l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6))
      r2 <- sqrt(l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/(sqrt(l1)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6))
      r3 <- sqrt(l3)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/(sqrt(l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5))
      r4 <- sqrt(l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/(sqrt(l3)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5))

      if (des1.des1 <= tips.num){ ## If any 4 clade contains only 1 tip, we need to use the calculated r1,r2,r3,r4 as the tip rates
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 10] = r1
        t5 <- sqrt(l1*l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, "t7"] <- t5
      if (des1.des2 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 11] = r2
        t5 <- sqrt(l1*l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, "t7"] <- t5
      if (des2.des1 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 10] = r3
        t6 <- sqrt(l3*l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, "t7"] <- t6
      if (des2.des2 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 11] = r4
        t6 <-sqrt(l3*l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, "t7"] <- t6


    if (des1 > tips.num && des2 <= tips.num){ ## 3-clade, des2 is the tip
      des1.row.id <- match(des1, RRF.mat[, 1])

      l1 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 4]*RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 5])+RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 8]
      l2 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 6]*RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 7])+RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 9]
      l3 <- 0
      l4 <- 0
      l5 <- brlen[match(des1, t$edge[, 2])]
      l6 <- brlen[match(des2, t$edge[, 2])]

      r5 <- sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(l6)
      r6 <- sqrt(l6)/sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)

      RRF.mat[row.id, seq(4,11,1)] <- c(l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r5,r6)

      t7 <- sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
      RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"] <- t7

      des1.des1 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des1, "children")[1]
      des1.des2 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des1, "children")[2]

      r1 <- sqrt(l1)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(l2*l6)
      r2 <- sqrt(l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(l1*l6)

      if (des1.des1 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 10] <- r1
        t5 <- sqrt(l1*l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, "t7"] <- t5
      if (des1.des2 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, 11] = r2
        t5 <- sqrt(l1*l2)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)
        RRF.mat[des1.row.id, "t7"] <- t5


    if (des1 <= tips.num && des2 > tips.num){ ## 3-clade, des1 is the tip
      des2.row.id <-match(des2, RRF.mat[, 1])

      l1 <- 0
      l2 <- 0
      l3 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 4]*RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 5])+RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 8]
      l4 <- sqrt(RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 6]*RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 7])+RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 9]
      l5 <- brlen[match(des1, t$edge[, 2])]
      l6 <- brlen[match(des2, t$edge[, 2])]

      r5 <- sqrt(l5)/sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
      r6 <- sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(l5)

      RRF.mat[row.id, seq(4,11,1)] <- c(l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r5,r6)

      t7 <- sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
      RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"] <- t7

      des2.des1 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des2, "children")[1]
      des2.des2 <- phangorn::Descendants(t, des2, "children")[2]

      r3 <- sqrt(l3)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(l4*l5)
      r4 <- sqrt(l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)/sqrt(l3*l5)

      if (des2.des1 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 10] <- r3
        t6 <- sqrt(l3*l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, "t7"] <- t6
      if (des2.des2 <= tips.num){
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, 11] <- r4
        t6 <- sqrt(l3*l4)*sqrt(sqrt(l1*l2)+l5)/sqrt(sqrt(l3*l4)+l6)
        RRF.mat[des2.row.id, "t7"] <- t6


  RRF.mat[is.na(RRF.mat[,10]), 10] <- 0
  RRF.mat[is.infinite(RRF.mat[,10]), 10] <- 0
  RRF.mat[is.na(RRF.mat[,11]), 11] <- 0
  RRF.mat[is.infinite(RRF.mat[,11]), 11] <- 0

  #### adjust relative rates by multiplying the ancestral rate ####
  #### adjust relative times by dividing the ancestral rate ####
  for (nd in (tips.num+1):(tips.num+t$Nnode)){ ## from root to shallowest internal nodes

    row.id <- match(nd, RRF.mat[, 1])
    anc.row <- c(match(nd, RRF.mat[,2]), match(nd, RRF.mat[,3]))

    if (is.na(anc.row[1]) == TRUE && is.na(anc.row[2]) == TRUE){ ## ancestor is root
      r.anc <- 1
      RRF.mat[row.id, c(12,13)] <- RRF.mat[row.id, c(10,11)]*r.anc
      RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc
    }else if (is.na(anc.row[1]) == FALSE && is.na(anc.row[2]) == TRUE){
      r.anc <- RRF.mat[anc.row[1], 12]
      RRF.mat[row.id, c(12,13)] <- RRF.mat[row.id, c(10,11)]*r.anc
      RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc

      if(RRF.mat[row.id, 2] <= tips.num){ ## if one offspring is tip, we need grandparent rate
        grandpa.row <- c(match(RRF.mat[anc.row[1], 1], RRF.mat[, 2]), match(RRF.mat[anc.row[1], 1], RRF.mat[, 3]))
        if (is.na(grandpa.row[1]) == TRUE && is.na(grandpa.row[2]) == TRUE){
          r.anc <- 1
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc
          r.grandpa <- c(RRF.mat[grandpa.row[1], 12], RRF.mat[grandpa.row[2], 13])
          r.anc <-  r.grandpa[!is.na(r.grandpa)]
          RRF.mat[row.id, 12] <- RRF.mat[row.id, 10]*r.anc
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc

      if(RRF.mat[row.id, 3] <= tips.num){ ## if one offspring is tip, we need grandparent rate
        grandpa.row <- c(match(RRF.mat[anc.row[1], 1], RRF.mat[, 2]), match(RRF.mat[anc.row[1], 1], RRF.mat[, 3]))
        if (is.na(grandpa.row[1]) == TRUE && is.na(grandpa.row[2]) == TRUE){
          r.anc <- 1
          r.grandpa <- c(RRF.mat[grandpa.row[1], 12], RRF.mat[grandpa.row[2], 13])
          r.anc <-  r.grandpa[!is.na(r.grandpa)]
          RRF.mat[row.id, 13] <- RRF.mat[row.id, 11]*r.anc
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc
    }else if (is.na(anc.row[1]) == TRUE && is.na(anc.row[2]) == FALSE){
      r.anc <- RRF.mat[anc.row[2], 13]
      RRF.mat[row.id, c(12,13)] <- RRF.mat[row.id, c(10,11)]*r.anc
      RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc

      if(RRF.mat[row.id, 2] <= tips.num){ ## if one offspring is tip, we need grandparent rate
        grandpa.row <- c(match(RRF.mat[anc.row[2], 1], RRF.mat[, 2]), match(RRF.mat[anc.row[2], 1], RRF.mat[, 3]))
        if (is.na(grandpa.row[1]) == TRUE && is.na(grandpa.row[2]) == TRUE){
          r.anc <- 1
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc
          r.grandpa <- c(RRF.mat[grandpa.row[1], 12], RRF.mat[grandpa.row[2], 13])
          r.anc <-  r.grandpa[!is.na(r.grandpa)]
          RRF.mat[row.id, 12] <- RRF.mat[row.id, 10]*r.anc
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc

      if(RRF.mat[row.id, 3] <= tips.num){ ## if one offspring is tip, we need grandparent rate
        grandpa.row <- c(match(RRF.mat[anc.row[2], 1], RRF.mat[, 2]), match(RRF.mat[anc.row[2], 1], RRF.mat[, 3]))
        if (is.na(grandpa.row[1]) == TRUE && is.na(grandpa.row[2]) == TRUE){
          r.anc <- 1
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc
          r.grandpa <- c(RRF.mat[grandpa.row[1], 12], RRF.mat[grandpa.row[2], 13])
          r.anc <-  r.grandpa[!is.na(r.grandpa)]
          RRF.mat[row.id, 13] <- RRF.mat[row.id, 11]*r.anc
          RRF.mat[row.id, "t7.adjust"] <- RRF.mat[row.id, "t7"]/r.anc

  ############ END OF CALCULATION ##############

  ####### generate output table ########
  out.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol=5, nrow = t$Nnode+tips.num)
  colnames(out.mat) <- c("NodeLabel", "NodeId", "Des1", "Des2", "Time")
  out.mat[, "NodeLabel"] <- c(t$tip.label, rep("-", t$Nnode))
  out.mat[, "NodeId"] <- c(1:(t$Nnode+tips.num))
  out.mat[, "Des1"] <- c(rep("-", tips.num), RRF.mat[,"Des1"])
  out.mat[, "Des2"] <- c(rep("-", tips.num), RRF.mat[,"Des2"])
  out.mat[, "Time"] <- c(rep("0", tips.num), RRF.mat[,"t7.adjust"])

  write.csv(data.frame(out.mat), file = paste0(filename, "_RRF_times.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

cathyqqtao/RRF documentation built on Dec. 19, 2021, 1:55 p.m.