Man pages for cbg-ethz/TMixClust
Time Series Clustering of Gene Expression with Gaussian Mixed-Effects Models and Smoothing Splines

analyse_stabilityStability analysis, clustering evaluation and optimal...
best_clust_toy_objTMixClust object containing the optimal clustering solution...
best_clust_yeast_objTMixClust object containing the optimal clustering solution...
generate_TMixClust_reportGenerates a series of files containing a summary of the...
get_time_series_dfExtracts a time series data frame from a text file
get_time_series_df_bioExtracts a time series data frame from a Bioconductor Biobase...
plot_silhouetteGenerates a silhouette plot for a given clustering...
plot_time_series_dfPlots all the time series stored in a data frame object
TMixClustClusters the time series data in a given number of groups
TMixClust-packageThe main usages of TMixClust
toy_data_dfSimulated time-series gene expression data
cbg-ethz/TMixClust documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:28 a.m.