
Defines functions unset_aws_env gbif_remote_arrow gbif_remote_duckdb gbif_remote

Documented in gbif_remote

#' gbif remote
#' Connect to GBIF remote directly. Can be much faster than downloading
#' for one-off use or when using the package from a server in the same region
#' as the data. See Details.
#' @details Query performance is dramatically improved in queries that return only
#' a subset of columns. Consider using explicit `select()` commands to return only
#' the columns you need.
#' @param backend duckdb or arrow
#' @param version GBIF snapshot date
#' @param bucket GBIF bucket name (including region). A default can also be set using
#' the option `gbif_default_bucket`, see [options].
#' @param safe logical, default TRUE.  Should we exclude columns `mediatype` and `issue`?
#' varchar datatype on these columns substantially slows downs queries.
#' @param unset_aws Unset AWS credentials?  GBIF is provided in a public bucket,
#' so credentials are not needed, but having a AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or other AWS
#' environmental variables set can cause the connection to fail.  By default,
#' this will unset any set environmental variables for the duration of the R session.
#' This behavior can also be turned off globally by setting the option
#' `gbif_unset_aws` to FALSE (e.g. to use an alternative network endpoint)
#' @param endpoint_override optional parameter to [arrow::s3_bucket()]
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to the [arrow::s3_bucket()]
#' @return a remote tibble `tbl_sql` class object.
#' @details 
#' A summary of this GBIF data, along with column meanings can be found at 
#' <https://github.com/gbif/occurrence/blob/master/aws-public-data.md>
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' gbif <- gbif_remote()
#' gbif()
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr select
gbif_remote <-
    function(version = gbif_version(),
             bucket = gbif_default_bucket(),
             safe = TRUE,
             unset_aws = getOption("gbif_unset_aws", TRUE),
             endpoint_override = Sys.getenv("AWS_S3_ENDPOINT", "s3.amazonaws.com"),
             backend = c("arrow", "duckdb"),
             ...) {
      backend <- match.arg(backend)
      gbif = switch(backend,
             arrow = gbif_remote_arrow(version, bucket, unset_aws,
                                       endpoint_override, ...),
             duckdb = gbif_remote_duckdb(version, bucket))

        if (safe) {
          gbif <- dplyr::select(gbif, -dplyr::any_of(c("mediatype", "issue")))

gbif_remote_duckdb <-
  function(version = gbif_version(),
           bucket = gbif_default_bucket()){
    requireNamespace("duckdbfs", quietly=TRUE)
    parquet <- paste("s3:/", bucket, "occurrence", version, 
                      "occurrence.parquet", "*", sep="/")


gbif_remote_arrow <-
  function(version = gbif_version(),
           bucket = gbif_default_bucket(),
           unset_aws = getOption("gbif_unset_aws", TRUE),
           endpoint_override = Sys.getenv("AWS_S3_ENDPOINT", "s3.amazonaws.com"),
           ...) {
    if (!requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("please install arrow first")
    if (unset_aws) { unset_aws_env() }
    server <- arrow::s3_bucket(bucket, 
                               endpoint_override = endpoint_override, 
    prefix <- paste0("/occurrence/", version,  "/occurrence.parquet/")
    path <- server$path(prefix)

unset_aws_env <- function(){
    ## Consider re-setting these afterwards.
    ## What about ~/.aws ?
    ## Maybe set these to empty strings instead of unsetting?
    ## Would be nice if we could simply override the detection of these
cboettig/gbifdb documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:40 p.m.