

load some useful libraries and the phylogeny


load in Daniel's data

dat <- read.csv("../../../data/Primate_brain_comparisons.csv")

Concatenate Genus and species names

SpeciesNames <- sapply(1:length(dat[[1]]), 
  paste(dat[[1]][i], "_", dat[[2]][i], sep=""))

seems these two genus names differ in spelling in the data and tree, let's just fix them manually

SpeciesNames <- gsub("Saguinas", "Saguinus", SpeciesNames)
SpeciesNames <- gsub("Presbytus", "Presbytis", SpeciesNames)

Name the data rows as "Genus_species", matching the tree tip label convention

rownames(dat) <- SpeciesNames

get just the quantitative trait data

dat <- dat[3:7]

drop all tips that don't have data, or data that doesn't have tips in tree

primate_data <- treedata(primates$phy, dat)
Dropped tips from the tree because there were no matching names in the data:
  [1] "Allenopithecus_nigroviridis"  "Allocebus_trichotis"         
  [3] "Alouatta_belzebul"            "Alouatta_caraya"             
  [5] "Alouatta_coibensis"           "Alouatta_fusca"              
  [7] "Alouatta_pigra"               "Alouatta_sara"               
  [9] "Aotus_azarai"                 "Aotus_brumbacki"             
 [11] "Aotus_hershkovitzi"           "Aotus_infulatus"             
 [13] "Aotus_lemurinus"              "Aotus_miconax"               
 [15] "Aotus_nancymaae"              "Aotus_nigriceps"             
 [17] "Aotus_vociferans"             "Arctocebus_aureus"           
 [19] "Arctocebus_calabarensis"      "Ateles_chamek"               
 [21] "Ateles_fusciceps"             "Ateles_marginatus"           
 [23] "Ateles_paniscus"              "Avahi_laniger"               
 [25] "Brachyteles_arachnoides"      "Cacajao_calvus"              
 [27] "Cacajao_melanocephalus"       "Callicebus_brunneus"         
 [29] "Callicebus_caligatus"         "Callicebus_cinerascens"      
 [31] "Callicebus_donacophilus"      "Callicebus_dubius"           
 [33] "Callicebus_hoffmannsi"        "Callicebus_modestus"         
 [35] "Callicebus_oenanthe"          "Callicebus_olallae"          
 [37] "Callicebus_personatus"        "Callicebus_torquatus"        
 [39] "Callimico_goeldii"            "Callithrix_argentata"        
 [41] "Callithrix_aurita"            "Callithrix_flaviceps"        
 [43] "Callithrix_humeralifera"      "Callithrix_kuhlii"           
 [45] "Callithrix_penicillata"       "Callithrix_pygmaea"          
 [47] "Cebus_olivaceus"              "Cercocebus_agilis"           
 [49] "Cercopithecus_campbelli"      "Cercopithecus_cephus"        
 [51] "Cercopithecus_diana"          "Cercopithecus_dryas"         
 [53] "Cercopithecus_erythrogaster"  "Cercopithecus_erythrotis"    
 [55] "Cercopithecus_neglectus"      "Cercopithecus_nictitans"     
 [57] "Cercopithecus_petaurista"     "Cercopithecus_pogonias"      
 [59] "Cercopithecus_preussi"        "Cercopithecus_sclateri"      
 [61] "Cercopithecus_solatus"        "Cercopithecus_wolfi"         
 [63] "Cheirogaleus_major"           "Cheirogaleus_medius"         
 [65] "Chiropotes_albinasus"         "Chiropotes_satanas"          
 [67] "Chlorocebus_aethiops"         "Colobus_angolensis"          
 [69] "Colobus_guereza"              "Colobus_polykomos"           
 [71] "Colobus_satanas"              "Daubentonia_madagascariensis"
 [73] "Eulemur_coronatus"            "Eulemur_fulvus"              
 [75] "Eulemur_macaco"               "Eulemur_mongoz"              
 [77] "Eulemur_rubriventer"          "Euoticus_elegantulus"        
 [79] "Euoticus_pallidus"            "Galago_alleni"               
 [81] "Galago_gallarum"              "Galago_matschiei"            
 [83] "Galago_moholi"                "Galago_senegalensis"         
 [85] "Galagoides_demidoff"          "Galagoides_zanzibaricus"     
 [87] "Hapalemur_aureus"             "Hapalemur_griseus"           
 [89] "Hapalemur_simus"              "Hylobates_concolor"          
 [91] "Hylobates_gabriellae"         "Hylobates_hoolock"           
 [93] "Hylobates_klossii"            "Hylobates_leucogenys"        
 [95] "Hylobates_muelleri"           "Hylobates_syndactylus"       
 [97] "Indri_indri"                  "Lagothrix_flavicauda"        
 [99] "Lagothrix_lagotricha"         "Lemur_catta"                 
[101] "Leontopithecus_caissara"      "Leontopithecus_chrysomela"   
[103] "Leontopithecus_chrysopygus"   "Leontopithecus_rosalia"      
[105] "Lepilemur_dorsalis"           "Lepilemur_edwardsi"          
[107] "Lepilemur_leucopus"           "Lepilemur_microdon"          
[109] "Lepilemur_mustelinus"         "Lepilemur_ruficaudatus"      
[111] "Lepilemur_septentrionalis"    "Lophocebus_albigena"         
[113] "Loris_tardigradus"            "Macaca_assamensis"           
[115] "Macaca_cyclopis"              "Macaca_fuscata"              
[117] "Macaca_maura"                 "Macaca_nigra"                
[119] "Macaca_ochreata"              "Macaca_radiata"              
[121] "Macaca_silenus"               "Macaca_sylvanus"             
[123] "Macaca_thibetana"             "Macaca_tonkeana"             
[125] "Mandrillus_leucophaeus"       "Microcebus_coquereli"        
[127] "Microcebus_murinus"           "Microcebus_rufus"            
[129] "Nasalis_concolor"             "Nycticebus_coucang"          
[131] "Nycticebus_pygmaeus"          "Otolemur_crassicaudatus"     
[133] "Otolemur_garnettii"           "Perodicticus_potto"          
[135] "Phaner_furcifer"              "Pithecia_aequatorialis"      
[137] "Pithecia_albicans"            "Pithecia_irrorata"           
[139] "Pithecia_pithecia"            "Presbytis_comata"            
[141] "Presbytis_femoralis"          "Presbytis_frontata"          
[143] "Presbytis_hosei"              "Presbytis_melalophos"        
[145] "Presbytis_potenziani"         "Presbytis_rubicunda"         
[147] "Presbytis_thomasi"            "Procolobus_badius"           
[149] "Procolobus_pennantii"         "Procolobus_preussi"          
[151] "Procolobus_rufomitratus"      "Procolobus_verus"            
[153] "Propithecus_diadema"          "Propithecus_tattersalli"     
[155] "Propithecus_verreauxi"        "Pygathrix_avunculus"         
[157] "Pygathrix_bieti"              "Pygathrix_brelichi"          
[159] "Pygathrix_roxellana"          "Saguinus_bicolor"            
[161] "Saguinus_fuscicollis"         "Saguinus_geoffroyi"          
[163] "Saguinus_imperator"           "Saguinus_inustus"            
[165] "Saguinus_labiatus"            "Saguinus_leucopus"           
[167] "Saguinus_mystax"              "Saguinus_nigricollis"        
[169] "Saguinus_tripartitus"         "Saimiri_boliviensis"         
[171] "Saimiri_ustus"                "Saimiri_vanzolinii"          
[173] "Semnopithecus_entellus"       "Tarsius_bancanus"            
[175] "Tarsius_dianae"               "Tarsius_pumilus"             
[177] "Tarsius_spectrum"             "Tarsius_syrichta"            
[179] "Theropithecus_gelada"         "Trachypithecus_auratus"      
[181] "Trachypithecus_cristatus"     "Trachypithecus_francoisi"    
[183] "Trachypithecus_geei"          "Trachypithecus_johnii"       
[185] "Trachypithecus_obscurus"      "Trachypithecus_phayrei"      
[187] "Trachypithecus_pileatus"      "Trachypithecus_vetulus"      
[189] "Varecia_variegata"           

Dropped rows from the data because there were no matching tips in the tree:
 [1] "Alouatta_villosa"          "Callimico_goeldi"         
 [3] "Cebuella_pygmaea"          "Cercocebus_albigena"      
 [5] "Cercopithecus_aethiops"    "Cercopithecus_pygerythrus"
 [7] "Colobus_badius"            "Lagothrix_lagothrica"     
 [9] "Papio_anubis"              "Papio_cynocephalus"       
[11] "Papio_papio"               "Papio_ursinus"            
[13] "Presbytis_cristatus"       "Presbytis_entellus"       
[15] "Presbytis_obscurus"        "Saguinus_tamarin"         
[17] "Symphalangus_syndactylus" 

dat <- primate_data$data
phy <- primate_data$phy

Classic independent contrasts for a phylogenetic correction to the estimate of correlations in brain weight with body size

x <- pic(log(dat[,"Body_weight"]), phy)
y <- pic(log(dat[,"Brain_weight"]), phy)

lm(formula = y ~ x - 1)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-0.2599 -0.0330  0.0099  0.0413  0.3711 

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
x   0.6408     0.0562    11.4    2e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Residual standard error: 0.0983 on 42 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.756,  Adjusted R-squared: 0.75 
F-statistic:  130 on 1 and 42 DF,  p-value: 1.99e-14 

get all ancestral states. Note that Ancestral state estimates are highly uncertain and generally distrusted, see Schluter et al 1997.

ancestral_states <- lapply(1:dim(dat)[2], function(i) ace(dat[,i], phy))

get the BM diversification rates for each trait

diversification_rates <- fitContinuous(phy, dat)
Fitting  BM model:

Estimate a shift in diversification rate using AUTEUR

run two short reversible-jump Markov chains (create some random strings for temporary file names)


run four short MCMC chains to search for a change point in brain weight

sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpu=4)
R Version:  R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30) 

Library auteur loaded.
out <- sfLapply(1:4, 
         function(x), dat=dat[,"log_brain.weight"],
          ngen=100000, sample.freq=10, prob.mergesplit=0.1, simplestart=TRUE,
          prop.width=1, fileBase=paste(r,x,sep=".")))

collect directories

pool.rjmcmcsamples(base.dirs=dirs, lab=r)

view contents of .rda

       46      47      48      38      49       6       7      50      51
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
        1       2      52       4       5      53      54      55      11
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
       56      12       10      57      44      43      58       3      59
1 0.06713 0.06713  0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 20.58079 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813  0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146  0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253  0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
       60       8       9      61      42      41      62      63      64
1 0.06713 14.8483 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 24.2739 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000  1.0000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000  1.0000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906  0.2291 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906  0.2291 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813  0.1481 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813  0.1481 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 14.8483 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 24.2739 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253  0.3725 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253  0.3725 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
       39      65      21      66      22      67      36      35      68
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
       69      25      70      24      23      26      71      72      40
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
       34      73      74      75      76      32      77      14      13
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 2.99136 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253 3.54680 3.54680 3.54680 3.54680 3.54680 3.54680 3.54680
       37      78       30      79      80      27      31      81      28
1 0.06713 0.06713  0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 12.3205 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000  1.0000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906  0.22906 6.79323 6.79323  6.7932 6.79323 6.79323 6.79323
4 0.14813 0.14813 73.40918 0.14813 0.14813  0.1481 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146  0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 12.3205 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 3.54680 3.54680  3.54680 3.54680 3.54680  3.5468 3.54680 3.54680 3.54680
       29      82      33      83      20      84      17      85      16
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 6.79323 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 3.54680 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253
       86      19      87      15      18
1 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713 0.06713
2 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906 0.22906
4 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813 0.14813
5 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146 0.03146
6 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253 0.37253

plot Markov sampled rates

  shifts.plot(phy=phy, base.dir=paste(r,"combined.rjmcmc",sep="."), burnin=0.5, legend=TRUE, edge.width=4, x.lim = c(0,60))
READING estimates...

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

   branch shift.direction shift.probability
1      46          0.0000           0.00000
2      47          0.0000           0.00000
3      48          0.0000           0.00000
4      38          0.0000           0.00000
5      49          0.0000           0.00000
6       6          0.0000           0.00000
7       7          0.0000           0.00000
8      50          0.0000           0.00000
9      51          0.9318           0.01905
10      1          0.9990           0.10000
11      2          1.0000           0.14160
12     52          0.0000           0.00000
13      4          0.9958           0.04815
14      5          1.0000           0.08125
15     53          0.0000           0.00000
16     54          0.0000           0.00000
17     55          0.0000           0.00000
18     11          1.0000           0.25095
19     56          0.0000           0.00000
20     12          0.0000           0.00000
21     10          0.0000           0.00000
22     57          0.9895           0.02870
23     44          0.9847           0.09830
24     43          0.9980           0.09920
25     58          0.0000           0.00000
26      3          0.9784           0.02780
27     59          0.0000           0.00000
28     60          0.9780           0.10005
29      8          0.9716           0.48660
30      9          1.0000           0.42810
31     61          0.0000           0.00000
32     42          0.9423           0.02080
33     41          0.9653           0.03170
34     62          0.0000           0.00000
35     63          0.0000           0.00000
36     64          0.9923           0.03905
37     39          0.0000           0.00000
38     65          1.0000           0.01215
39     21          0.0000           0.00000
40     66          1.0000           0.02290
41     22          0.9988           0.32165
42     67          0.9846           0.03900
43     36          0.0000           0.00000
44     35          0.0000           0.00000
45     68          0.0000           0.00000
46     69          0.0000           0.00000
47     25          0.0000           0.00000
48     70          0.0000           0.00000
49     24          0.0000           0.00000
50     23          0.0000           0.00000
51     26          0.0000           0.00000
52     71          0.0000           0.00000
53     72          0.0000           0.00000
54     40          0.9855           0.03440
55     34          1.0000           0.03155
56     73          0.0000           0.00000
57     74          0.0000           0.00000
58     75          0.0000           0.00000
59     76          0.0000           0.00000
60     32          0.8537           0.01025
61     77          0.9472           0.01705
62     14          0.9994           0.15475
63     13          0.9977           0.13260
64     37          0.8816           0.02955
65     78          0.0000           0.00000
66     30          0.9990           0.28895
67     79          0.0000           0.00000
68     80          0.8462           0.01495
69     27          1.0000           0.23400
70     31          0.9980           0.25450
71     81          0.9052           0.01160
72     28          0.9974           0.11755
73     29          0.9800           0.09005
74     82          0.0000           0.00000
75     33          0.9836           0.01830
76     83          0.0000           0.00000
77     20          0.0000           0.00000
78     84          0.0000           0.00000
79     17          0.0000           0.00000
80     85          0.0000           0.00000
81     16          0.0000           0.00000
82     86          0.0000           0.00000
83     19          0.0000           0.00000
84     87          0.0000           0.00000
85     15          0.0000           0.00000
86     18          0.0000           0.00000

[1] "Callithrix_geoffroyi" "Callithrix_jacchus"  

[1] "Pongo_pygmaeus"  "Gorilla_gorilla" "Homo_sapiens"    "Pan_troglodytes"
[5] "Pan_paniscus"   

[1] "Pan_troglodytes" "Pan_paniscus"   

[1] "Saimiri_sciureus"  "Saimiri_oerstedii"

[1] "Homo_sapiens"    "Pan_troglodytes" "Pan_paniscus"   

[1] "Alouatta_palliata"  "Alouatta_seniculus"

[1] "Cercocebus_torquatus" "Cercocebus_galeritus"

[1] "Macaca_arctoides" "Macaca_sinica"   

[1] "Gorilla_gorilla" "Homo_sapiens"    "Pan_troglodytes" "Pan_paniscus"   

[1] "Macaca_fascicularis" "Macaca_mulatta"     

      8       9      22      30      31      11      27      14       2 
0.48660 0.42810 0.32165 0.28895 0.25450 0.25095 0.23400 0.15475 0.14160 
     13      28      60       1      43      44      29       5       4 
0.13260 0.11755 0.10005 0.10000 0.09920 0.09830 0.09005 0.08125 0.04815 
     64      67      40      41      34      37      57       3      66 
0.03905 0.03900 0.03440 0.03170 0.03155 0.02955 0.02870 0.02780 0.02290 
     42      51      33      77      80      65      81      32 
0.02080 0.01905 0.01830 0.01705 0.01495 0.01215 0.01160 0.01025 

cboettig/wrightscape documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:12 p.m.