

load some useful libraries and the phylogeny ``` {r } require(auteur) data(primates)

load in Daniel's data
``` {r }
dat <- read.csv("../../../data/Primate_brain_comparisons.csv")

Concatenate Genus and species names ``` {r } SpeciesNames <- sapply(1:length(dat[[1]]), function(i) paste(dat[[1]][i], "_", dat[[2]][i], sep=""))

 seems these two genus names differ in spelling in the data and tree,
 let's just fix them manually

``` {r }
SpeciesNames <- gsub("Saguinas", "Saguinus", SpeciesNames)
SpeciesNames <- gsub("Presbytus", "Presbytis", SpeciesNames)

Name the data rows as "Genus_species", matching the tree tip label convention

``` {r } rownames(dat) <- SpeciesNames

get just the quantitative trait data

``` {r }
dat <- dat[3:7]

drop all tips that don't have data, or data that doesn't have tips in tree

``` {r } primate_data <- treedata(primates$phy, dat) dat <- primate_data$data phy <- primate_data$phy

Classic independent contrasts for a phylogenetic correction to the 
 estimate of correlations in brain weight with body size

``` {r }
x <- pic(log(dat[,"Body_weight"]), phy)
y <- pic(log(dat[,"Brain_weight"]), phy)

get all ancestral states. Note that Ancestral state estimates are highly uncertain and generally distrusted, see Schluter et al 1997. ``` {r } ancestral_states <- lapply(1:dim(dat)[2], function(i) ace(dat[,i], phy))

 get the BM diversification rates for each trait
``` {r }
diversification_rates <- fitContinuous(phy, dat)

Estimate a shift in diversification rate using AUTEUR

run two short reversible-jump Markov chains (create some random strings for temporary file names) ``` {r } r=paste(sample(letters,9,replace=TRUE),collapse="")

 run four short MCMC chains to search for a change point in brain weight
``` {r }
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpu=4)
out <- sfLapply(1:4, 
         function(x), dat=dat[,"log_brain.weight"],
          ngen=100000, sample.freq=10, prob.mergesplit=0.1, simplestart=TRUE,
          prop.width=1, fileBase=paste(r,x,sep=".")))

collect directories

``` {r } dirs=dir("./",pattern=paste("BM",r,sep=".")) pool.rjmcmcsamples(base.dirs=dirs, lab=r)

view contents of .rda
``` {r }

plot Markov sampled rates

``` {r } shifts.plot(phy=phy, base.dir=paste(r,"combined.rjmcmc",sep="."), burnin=0.5, legend=TRUE, edge.width=4, x.lim = c(0,60)) ````

cboettig/wrightscape documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:12 p.m.