
Defines functions mdt_simple.data.frame mdt_simple

Documented in mdt_simple

#' @title Joint-significance test for simple mediation
#' @description Given a data frame, a predictor (`IV`), an outcome
#'   (`DV`), and a mediator (`M`), conducts a joint-significant test
#'   for simple mediation (see Yzerbyt, Muller, Batailler, & Judd, 2018).
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables to be used in the model.
#' @param IV An unquoted numeric variable in the data frame which will be used
#'   as independent variable.
#' @param M An unquoted numeric variable in the data frame which will be used as
#'   mediator.
#' @param DV An unquoted numeric variable in the data frame which will be used
#'   as dependent variable.
#' @template mediation_model
#' @family mediation models
#' @details With simple mediation analysis, one is interested in finding if the
#'   effect of \eqn{X} on \eqn{Y} goes through a third variable \eqn{M}. The
#'   hypothesis behind this test is that \eqn{X} has an effect on \eqn{M}
#'   (\eqn{a}) that has an effect on \eqn{Y} (\eqn{b}), meaning that \eqn{X}
#'   has an indirect effect on \eqn{Y} through \eqn{M}.
#'   The total effect of \eqn{X} on \eqn{Y} can be described as follows:
#'   \deqn{c = c' + ab}
#'   with \eqn{c} the total effect of \eqn{X} on \eqn{Y}, \eqn{c'} the direct of
#'   \eqn{X} on \eqn{Y}, and \eqn{ab} the indirect effect of \eqn{X} on \eqn{Y}
#'   through \eqn{M} (see Models section).
#'   To assess whether the indirect effect is different from the null, one has
#'   to assess the significance against the null for both \eqn{a} (the effect of
#'   \eqn{X} on \eqn{M}) and \eqn{b} (effect of \eqn{M} on \eqn{Y}
#'   controlling for the effect of \eqn{X}). Both \eqn{a} and \eqn{b} need to
#'   be simultaneously significant for an indirect effect to be claimed (Cohen &
#'   Cohen, 1983; Yzerbyt, Muller, Batailler, & Judd, 2018).
#' @section Models: In a simple mediation model, three models will be fitted:
#'   - \eqn{Y_i = b_{10} + \mathbf{c_{11}} X_i}{Yi = b_10 + c_11*Xi}
#'   - \eqn{M_i = b_{20} + \mathbf{a_{21}} X_i}{Mi = b_20 + a_21*Xi}
#'   - \eqn{Y_i = b_{30} + \mathbf{c'_{31}} X_i + \mathbf{b_{32}} M_i}{Yi =
#'     b_30 + c'_31*Xi + b_32*Mi}
#'   with \eqn{Y_i}{Yi}, the outcome value for the *i*th observation,
#'   \eqn{X_i}{Xi}, the predictor value for the *i*th observation, and
#'   \eqn{M_i}{Mi}, the mediator value for the *i*th observation (Cohen &
#'   Cohen, 1983; Yzerbyt, Muller, Batailler, & Judd, 2018).
#'   Coefficients associated with \eqn{a}, \eqn{b}, \eqn{c}, and \eqn{c'} paths
#'   are respectively \eqn{a_{21}}{a_21}, \eqn{b_{32}}{b_32},
#'   \eqn{c_{11}}{c_11}, and \eqn{c'_{31}}{c'_31}.
#' @section Variable coding: Because joint-significance tests uses linear models
#'   behind the scenes, variables involved in the model have to be numeric.
#'   `mdt_simple` will give an error if non-numeric variables are
#'   specified in the model.
#'   To convert a dichotomous categorical variable to a numeric one, please
#'   refer to the [`build_contrast`] function.
#' @references Cohen, J., & Cohen, P. (1983). *Applied multiple
#'   regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences* (2nd ed).
#'   Hillsdale, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates.
#'   Yzerbyt, V., Muller, D., Batailler, C., & Judd, C. M. (2018). New
#'   recommendations for testing indirect effects in mediational models: The
#'   need to report and test component paths. *Journal of Personality and
#'   Social Psychology*, *115*(6), 929–943. doi: 10.1037/pspa0000132
#' @examples
#' ## fit a simple mediation model
#' data(ho_et_al)
#' ho_et_al$condition_c <- build_contrast(ho_et_al$condition,
#'                                        "Low discrimination",
#'                                        "High discrimination")
#' mdt_simple(data = ho_et_al,
#'            IV = condition_c,
#'            DV = hypodescent,
#'            M = linkedfate)
#' @export

mdt_simple <- function(data, IV, DV, M) {

#' @export
mdt_simple.data.frame <- function(data, IV, DV, M) {

  # nse -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  IV_var <- enquo(IV)
  DV_var <- enquo(DV)
  M_var  <- enquo(M)

  IV_name <- rlang::quo_name(IV_var)
  DV_name <- rlang::quo_name(DV_var)
  M_name  <- rlang::quo_name(M_var)

  IV_data <- data %>% dplyr::pull(!!IV_var)
  DV_data <- data %>% dplyr::pull(!!DV_var)
  M_data  <- data %>% dplyr::pull(!!M_var)

  # type check ----------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.numeric(IV_data)) {
               IV ({IV_name}) must be numeric (see build_contrast() to
               convert a character vector to a contrast code)."))

  if (!is.numeric(M_data)) {
               Mediator ({M_name}) must be numeric."))

  if (!is.numeric(DV_data)) {
               DV ({DV_name}) must be numeric."))

  # building models -----------------------------------------------------------
  model1 <-
    stats::as.formula(glue("{DV} ~ {IV}",
                           IV = IV_name,
                           DV = DV_name))

  model2 <-
    stats::as.formula(glue("{M} ~ {IV}",
                           IV = IV_name,
                           M  = M_name))

  model3 <-
    stats::as.formula(glue("{DV} ~ {IV} + {M}",
                           DV = DV_name,
                           IV = IV_name,
                           M  = M_name))

  # models fitting and cleaning -----------------------------------------------
  js_models <-
    list("X -> Y"     = model1,
         "X -> M"     = model2,
         "X + M -> Y" = model3) %>%
    purrr::map(~lm(.x, data))

  # paths ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  paths <-
    list("a"  = create_path(js_models, "X -> M", IV_name),
         "b"  = create_path(js_models, "X + M -> Y", M_name),
         "c"  = create_path(js_models, "X -> Y", IV_name),
         "c'" = create_path(js_models, "X + M -> Y", IV_name))

  # bulding mediation model object --------------------------------------------
    type      = "simple mediation",
    params    = list("IV" = IV_name,
                     "DV" = DV_name,
                     "M"  = M_name),
    paths     = paths,
    js_models = js_models,
    data      = data,
    subclass  = "simple_mediation"
cedricbatailler/JSmediation documentation built on March 4, 2024, 12:52 p.m.