
context("Testing FP2 families")

df <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  "treatment" = c("Suni", "Ifn", "Suni", "Pazo"),
  "study" = c("Study 1", "Study 1", "Study 2", "Study 2"),
  "baseline" = c("Suni", "Suni", "Suni", "Suni"),
  "filepath" = sapply(c("Mota_OS_Suni_KM.txt",
                        "Mot_OS_Pazo_KM.txt"), function(x)
                          system.file("extdata", "narrow", x, package="survnma", mustWork=TRUE)))

fp2.families <- list( list(model = "fp2", P = c(-0.5,0),
                           name = "fp2 model with P1 = -0.5, P2 = 0"),
                      list(model = "fp2", P = c(-1,0),
                           name = "fp2 model with P1 = -1, P2 = 0"),
                      list(model = "fp2", P = c(-1,-1),
                           name = "fp2 model with P1 = -1, P2 = -1"),
                      list(model = "fp2", P = c(-1,0.5),
                           name = "fp2 model with P1 = -1, P2 = 0.5"),
                      list(model = "fp2", P = c(-1,1),
                           name = "fp2 model with P1 = -1, P2 = 1")

for(model in fp2.families){

  nma.fixed <- survnma(df, model = model$model, P= model$P, type = "fixed", min_time_change = 0.05)
  nma.random <- survnma(df, model = model$model, P= model$P, type = "random", min_time_change = 0.05)

  test_that("class of nmas", {
    expect_is(nma.fixed, "survnma")
    expect_is(nma.random, "survnma")

  test_that("dimensionality", {
      # treatments - baseline * params * 2 (mu and d) + 1 for deviance
      cols.f <- ((length(nma.fixed$treatments) - 1) * nma.fixed$nparam * 2) + 1
      # treatments * params * 2 (mu and d) +1 for deviance + nparam for coeff of polynomial
      cols.r <- ((length(nma.random$treatments)) * nma.random$nparam * 2) + 1 + nma.random$nparam
      matrix.cols.f <- dim(nma.fixed$fit$sims.matrix)[2]
      matrix.cols.r <- dim(nma.random$fit$sims.matrix)[2]

      expect_equal(matrix.cols.f, cols.f)
      expect_equal(matrix.cols.r, cols.r)

  if( max(nma.fixed$fit$summary[,"Rhat"]) > 1.05)
    test_that("convergence message", {
      expect_message(survnma(df, model = model$model, P= model$P, type = "fixed", min_time_change = 0.05))
  if( max(nma.random$fit$summary[,"Rhat"]) > 1.05)
    test_that("convergence message", {
      expect_message(survnma(df, model = model$model, P= model$P, type = "random", min_time_change = 0.05))

test_that("Requests powers", {
  expect_error(survnma(df, model = fp2.families[[3]]$model, P = c(-1,-1,-1), min_time_change = 0.05))
  expect_error(survnma(df, model = fp2.families[[3]]$model, P = NULL, min_time_change = 0.05))

  expect_error(survnma(df, model = fp2.families[[3]]$model, P = c(-1,-1,-1), type = "random", min_time_change = 0.05))
  expect_error(survnma(df, model = fp2.families[[3]]$model, P = NULL, type = "random", min_time_change = 0.05))
certara/survivalnma documentation built on Oct. 17, 2020, 12:34 a.m.