
test_that("get equity data works as expected", {

  tickers <- c("YAH-DGH.JO", "INV-CLSJ")

  type <- c("price", "IS", "BS", "CFS")
  start_date <- "2020/07/01"
  end_date <- "2020/10/31"
  frequency <- "monthly"

  test <- get_equity_data(tickers, type, start_date, end_date, frequency)

  # because this data is only available on a rolling window, it will change month to month and year to year.
  # we therefore can't reliably test the output so we check the returned data structure instead.
  testthat::expect_s3_class(test, "tbl_df")
  testthat::expect_setequal(names(test), c("ticker", "type", "scraped_data", "clean_data"))
  testthat::expect_type(test$scraped_data, "list")
  testthat::expect_type(test$clean_data, "list")
  testthat::expect_setequal(unique(test$type), c(type, 'meta'))

ces0491/fdoR documentation built on July 19, 2021, 8:47 a.m.