Man pages for chappers/Ramble
Parser Combinator for R

AlphaAlpha checks for single alphabet character
AlphaNumAlphaNum checks for a single alphanumeric character
alt'alt' combinator is similar to alternation in BNF. the parser...
DigitDigit checks for single digit
grapes-alt-grapes'%alt%' is the infix notation for the 'alt' function.
grapes-then-grapes'%then%' is the infix operator for the then combinator.
grapes-thentree-grapes'%thentree%' is the infix operator for the then combinator,...
grapes-using-grapes'%using%' is the infix operator for using
ident'ident' is a parser which matches zero or more alphanumeric...
identifier'identifier' creates an identifier
item'item' is a parser that consumes the first character of the...
literal'literal' is a parser for single symbols. It will attempt to...
LowerLower checks for single lower case character
many'many' matches 0 or more of pattern 'p'. In BNF notation,...
maybe'maybe' matches 0 or 1 of pattern 'p'. In EBNF notation,...
nat'nat' is a parser which matches one or more numeric...
natural'natural' creates a token parser for natural numbers
RambleRamble is a parser generator using combinatory parsers.
satisfy'satisfy' is a function which allows us to make parsers that...
some'some' matches 1 or more of pattern 'p'. in BNF notation,...
Space'space' matches zero or more space characters.
SpaceCheckSpaceCheck checks for a single space character
String'String' is a combinator which allows us to build parsers...
succeed'succeed' is based on the empty string symbol in the BNF...
symbol'symbol' creates a token for a symbol
then'then' combinator corresponds to sequencing in BNF. The...
thentree'thentree' keeps the full tree representation of the results...
token'token' is a new primitive that ignores any space before and...
UnlistUnlist is the same as unlist, but doesn't recurse all the way...
UpperUpper checks for a single upper case character
using'using' combinator allows us to manipulate results from a...
chappers/Ramble documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:30 p.m.