
#' Function returning a matrix as tex output
#' The matrix specified by pmatAMatrix is converted to TeX
#' using function xtable::xtable. This produces a tabular TeX-object.
#' The output from xtable::xtable is converted to a TeX-array. Some
#' lines at the beginning and at the end are ignored. The number
#' of lines that are ignored can be specified using the parameters
#' pnOutStartLine and pnEndIgnoreLines.
#' @param  pmatAMatrix        Matrix to be represented in tex format
#' @param  pnOutStartLine     line index where output should start, default = 5
#' @param  pnEndIgnoreLines   number of lines to be ignored at the end of the output, default = 1
#' @param  pnDigits           specify the number of digits to be used
#' @param  pnAlign            character vector denoting column alignment
#' @return string containing tex representation of matrix
#' @export sGetTexMatrix
sGetTexMatrix <- function(pmatAMatrix, pnOutStartLine = 5, pnEndIgnoreLines = 1, pnDigits = 2, pnAlign = NULL) {
  sResultTexMatrix <- capture.output(print(xtable::xtable(pmatAMatrix, align = pnAlign, digits = pnDigits),
                                           include.rownames = FALSE,
                                           include.colnames = FALSE,
                                           hline.after = NULL,
  ### # do some replacements
  sResultTexMatrix <- gsub("tabular", "array",
                           fixed = TRUE)

#' Matrix with character elements and column and row indices
#' @param psBaseElement   character prefix shown in front of indices
#' @param pnNrRow         number of rows
#' @param pnNrCol         number of columns
matGetMatElem <- function(psBaseElement, pnNrRow, pnNrCol){
                       function(x,y) paste(psBaseElement, x%/%y+1, x%%y+1, sep = ""),
                nrow = pnNrRow,
                ncol = pnNrCol,
                byrow = TRUE))

#' Lower triangular matrix
matLowerTri <- function(psBaseElement, pnNrRow, pnNrCol, pvecDiag = NULL) {
  matResult <- matGetMatElem(psBaseElement = psBaseElement, pnNrRow = pnNrRow, pnNrCol = pnNrCol)
  matResult[upper.tri(matResult)] <- "0"
  if (!is.null(pvecDiag)) diag(matResult) <- pvecDiag

#' Diagonal matrix
matDiag <- function(psBaseElement, pnNrRow, pnNrCol) {
  matResult <- matGetMatElem(psBaseElement = psBaseElement, pnNrRow = pnNrRow, pnNrCol = pnNrCol)
  matResult[upper.tri(matResult) | lower.tri(matResult)]  <- "0"

#' Vector with base elements and index
#' The result is a vector of elements that have psBaseElement
#' as prefix and that have the index of the corresponding
#' vector element as suffix. The separating charcter might be
#' given by psSepChar
#' @param psBaseElement   suffix of the vector elements
#' @param pnVecLen        number of elements in the vector
#' @param psSepChar       separating character (default = "_")
#' @return Vector with string elements that each have psBaseElement as
#'         prefix and the index as suffix, separated by psSepChar
#' @export vecGetVecElem
vecGetVecElem <- function(psBaseElement, pnVecLen, psSepChar = "_"){
  return(sapply(1:pnVecLen, function(x) paste(psBaseElement, x, sep = psSepChar)))
charlotte-ngs/ZLHS2016 documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:33 p.m.