Man pages for charlotte-ngs/rcoursetools
R Course Tools

build_deploy_websitebuild and deploy website
cleanup_slidesdirClean up output files from slide compilation
cleanup_source_notesClean up notes source files
convertLibOToPdfConvert documents from source format into target format used...
create_courseCreate a new course
create_course_documentCreate a course document
create_course_websiteCreate a course website
create_odg_graphicCreate an empty odg graphic
create_rmd_documentCreate a document from a template
create_slidesCreate a deck of slides
create_slides_notesCreate Notes document for a given deck of slides
create_templateCreate skeleton directories and files for a new template
deploy_websiteDeploy a website from a source branch to a publication branch
genericScaledPlotInsert a plot into a document using a given width scale
helloHello, World!
insertOdgAsPdfInserts an odg draw graphic into a rmarkdown text
open_odg_graphicOpen an existing odg graphics file
R6GenericTableR6 class representing a generic table
RCGenericTable-classReference class representing a generic table
rcoursetoolsrcoursetools - A Set Of Tools Useful For Teaching Courses.
rmd_draftCustom local copy of rmarkdown::draft
sans_extremove file extension from x
sub_extsubstitute extension of file x with ext
charlotte-ngs/rcoursetools documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:34 p.m.