
Defines functions install_package

Documented in install_package

#' Install from isolated lib
#' @return na
#' @export

install_package <- function(){
  passthr <-  Sys.getenv(c("ESHINE_PASSTHRUPATH"))
  remotes_code <-  Sys.getenv(c("ESHINE_remotes_code"))
  return_file_path <-  Sys.getenv(c("ESHINE_package_return"))
  if (!nchar(passthr) > 0 ) {
    stop("Empty path") 
  passthr <- normalizePath(passthr, 
                           winslash = "/")
  remotes_code <- getFromNamespace(remotes_code,
                                   ns = "remotes")

  z <- do.call(remotes_code, passthr)
  # the remotes package returns the name of the installed package
  # but when called from system2, at least on mac,
  # this results in a lot of kerfuffle so here we return
  # a string that will we can regex for
  writeLines(z, con=return_file_path)

chasemc/electricShine documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 8:50 a.m.